Council meetings

Committee details

Licensing Committee

Purpose of committee

The Licensing Committee consists of ten members of the Council with up to five sub-committees each consisting of three members of the main Committee. Every member of the main Licensing Committee acts as substitute for any member sitting on any Licensing Sub-Committee or Urgency Sub Committee.



Licensing Committee is responsible for


1. overseeing the discharge of all licensing functions of the Council as the licensing authority under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, and the Gambling Act 2005, except the determination of the Council’s statement of Licensing Policy and the publication of that Statement (pursuant to the Licensing Act 2003), and the determination of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, the publication of that Statement and any Policy not to permit casinos (pursuant to the Gambling Act 2005).


2.    establishing four sub-committees and one urgency sub-committee to determine matters pursuant to both the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005. The Licensing Act 2003 matters are regarding personal licences, premises licenses, club premises certificates, provisional statement, designated premises supervisor, interim authorities temporary event notices, summary reviews (including expedited reviews held remotely), and objections as consultee, and as Responsible Authority, save for such matters as are reserved to the main Licensing Committee and any matters which the Head of Crime Reduction & Supporting People considers more appropriate for consideration by the main Licensing Committee where the decision is considered likely to have a significant impact on the borough or area of it or to people in it. The Gambling Act 2005 matters relate to premises licences, provisional statements, permits and temporary use notices and objections as consultee, save for such matters as are reserved to the main Licensing Committee and any matters which the Head of Crime Reduction & Supporting People considers more appropriate for consideration by the main committee. Without limiting the discretion of the Head of Business and Regulatory Services in any way, matters may be more appropriate for the main Licensing Committee where the decision is considered likely to have a significant impact on the borough or area of it or to people in it.


3. discharging and arranging for the discharge of the functions governed by the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 by one or more sub-committees or by officers except where prohibited by either the Licensing Act 2003 or the Gambling Act 2005.


4. making regulations for the conduct of meetings of the committee and sub-committees in accordance with Section 9(d) of the Licensing Act 2003.


5. receiving and considering annual reports, where appropriate, on the needs of the local tourist economy, employment and investment in the area and any other matter directly related t the Licensing Act 2003 functions in the borough.


6. directing officers to the planning committee, where appropriate, on the situation regarding licensed premises in the area, including the impact of alcohol related crime and disorder.





Contact information

Support officer: Clare Weaser.

Phone: 0208 314 7369
