Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Remote - Via Microsoft Teams - the public are welcome to observe via the Council's website at

Contact: Clare Weaser 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 92 KB


1.         Minutes


            RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 26 March 2024 be considered at the next meeting.




Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Misc. files from downloads




Exclusion of the Press and Public pdf icon PDF 113 KB



In accordance with regulation 4 (2) (b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 and   under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and  3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


4. Silks 177 – 181 Rushey Green Catford SE6 4BD



The following is a summary of the item considered in the closed part of the meeting:




Silks & Silks 2, 177-181 Rushey Green, London, SE6 4BD


1.    Having heard evidence and submissions from both parties, and having considered the papers in the reports pack, the Committee’s decision on the review is to modify the conditions of the licence in accordance with the annex to this decision notice.


2.    The Committee is also required to review the interim step of suspension.  The Committee’s decision is to retain the previous interim step while the changes required by the new conditions are being implemented.  This is to give the PLH time to implement the new arrangements, including the appointment of a new security team, and to ensure that when it reverts to its original hours it is completely ready to trade in accordance with the licensing objectives.  Therefore the interim step shall remain in force until midnight on 3 May 2024 unless the Lewisham Police Licensing Team and Licensing Authority agree in writing that the changes required by the new conditions have been implemented to their satisfaction.  In any event the interim step shall be automatically discharged after 28 days.



4 April 2024




The following conditions shall take effect at midnight on 3 May 2024.


1.    The PLH shall replace the current SIA door team.


2.    The Designated Premises Supervisor (or a person duly appointed by the DPS) shall be on duty at all times the premises is open for licensable activity.


3.    The Premises Licence holder shall draw up and implement a premises specific drugs policy. The policy shall be reviewed as necessary but at least annually. A record shall be kept that a review of the policy has been made. Any changes must be agreed, in writing, by Lewisham Police Licensing Team and Lewisham Licensing Authority.


4.    The premises shall produce and maintain an operations manual (the "Operations Manual") containing this Licence together with all the policies for the compliant operation of the premises. The Operations Manual shall include the security, search and entry, drugs, responsible alcohol service, welfare, and dispersal policies. All operational staff working at the premises, including management, shall receive documented training on the contents of the Operations Manual when they start employment and at least every six months thereafter. Any changes must be agreed, in writing, by Lewisham Police Licensing Team and Lewisham Licensing Authority.


5.    All supervisory and managerial staff working at the premises shall sign for their receipt and understanding of the Licence conditions consistent with the operating schedule.


6.    The Operations Manual shall be retained at the premises and shall be available for inspection by a Police Officer, Community Police Officer, or Authorised Officer of the Local Authority on request.


7.    All persons entering or re-entering the premises shall be searched and scanned by a metal detector. This will be conducted in line with the current search policy, it must be conducted by an SIA trained member of staff and the search must be captured on the premises CCTV or Body Worn Camera. These recordings will be kept in line with the current CCTV condition.


8.    There shall  ...  view the full decision text for item 4.



RESOLVED that the conditions of the licence be modified in accordance with the annex to these minutes.









The following conditions shall take effect at midnight on 3 May 2024.


  1. The PLH shall replace the current SIA door team.


  1. The Designated Premises Supervisor (or a person duly appointed by the DPS) shall be on duty at all times the premises is open for licensable activity.


  1. The Premises Licence holder shall draw up and implement a premises specific drugs policy. The policy shall be reviewed as necessary but at least annually. A record shall be kept that a review of the policy has been made. Any changes must be agreed, in writing, by Lewisham Police Licensing Team and Lewisham Licensing Authority.


  1. The premises shall produce and maintain an operations manual (the "Operations Manual") containing this Licence together with all the policies for the compliant operation of the premises. The Operations Manual shall include the security, search and entry, drugs, responsible alcohol service, welfare, and dispersal policies. All operational staff working at the premises, including management, shall receive documented training on the contents of the Operations Manual when they start employment and at least every six months thereafter. Any changes must be agreed, in writing, by Lewisham Police Licensing Team and Lewisham Licensing Authority.


  1. All supervisory and managerial staff working at the premises shall sign for their receipt and understanding of the Licence conditions consistent with the operating schedule.


  1. The Operations Manual shall be retained at the premises and shall be available for inspection by a Police Officer, Community Police Officer, or Authorised Officer of the Local Authority on request.


  1. All persons entering or re-entering the premises shall be searched and scanned by a metal detector. This will be conducted in line with the current search policy, it must be conducted by an SIA trained member of staff and the search must be captured on the premises CCTV or Body Worn Camera. These recordings will be kept in line with the current CCTV condition.


  1. There shall be no admittance or re-admittance to the premises after 02:30 save for those exiting the premises to smoke or those persons that are booked promoters or DJs (Promoter and DJ details must be recorded, this will include their full name, company, and reason for entry).


  1. The venue will have a written security policy. This will have a detailed risk assessment regarding how many SIA are required for each night. Any changes must be agreed, in writing, by Lewisham Police Licensing Team and Lewisham Licensing Authority.


Note - This is in addition to (and does not replace the current following condition on Silks 2 licence, page 7) A minimum of 2 SIA registered door staff, of which one (1) must be female and are all employed by an Accredited Contractor (ACS) registered company. They must be on duty Friday and Saturday nights from 21:00 hrs until 30 minutes after closing.


  1. All customers, promotors and DJ’s entering the premises after 21:00 on Club Nights shall have their  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.