Venue: Sydenham Centre, 44A Sydenham Road, London SE26 5QX
Contact: Sara Wickert
No. | Item |
Welcome from Cllr Best |
Minutes of the last online meeting Saturday 12th June accepted |
Launch of Main Grants Funding and NCIL Minutes: Sydenham’s Community Development Officer, Sara Wickert, presented on the launch of Main Grants and Ward NCIL funds.
Main Grants is now open until 18November 2021. The 2022-2025 round of funding will focus on capacity building, infrastructure and fundraising for organisations across Lewisham.
Ward NCIL has also launched with applications being accepted until 21 November. Sydenham has £88,084 to allocate to local projects. The money must be spent on local infrastructure and/or projects that help alleviate the demands that development places on an area.
For both funds it is advised to read through the application guidance, attend a support workshop and go to for more information.
Q: Can air quality monitors be funded through NCIL? A: This depends on whether this function is already being carried out by the Council in which case it cannot be funded and also on whether the case can be made that this helps to alleviate the demands that development places on an area. Best to go along to a workshop or contact after reading the fund guidance.
Q: Could play parks be funded? A: Yes, this sort of project would be eligible
Q: What is BAME infrastructure. A: This came from feedback from
the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and would involve building
capacity, helping organisations to apply for funding to support
those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background as
well as other residents. |
Community updates Minutes: Sydenham Community Safety update
PC Charlotte Homshaw, from the Sydenham Safer Neighbourhoods Team presented on the Sydenham Ward Panel Survey which received 200 responses, the best ward response in the borough. This will be used to work out hot spots and ward priorities. Follow @mpssydenham on Twitter for updates. The police team will be staying for the Fun Palace market place for any specific issues and queries.
Brasted Close Housing allocations
Janet Emmanuelle is a community organiser for Lewisham Citizens (LC) and on the board for Community Land Trust. 11 homes being built at the moment at Brasted Close called Citizens House, Unity Way, SE26. The project began with a listening campaign with LC members asking what is most important to them. Affordable homes came top of the list and led to the 2014 start of meetings with the council re development of Community Land Trust homes. Land gifted to Lewisham Citizens came from disused garages. 6 x 2 bedroom homes for £272,500 and 5 x 1 bedroom homes for £215,000 available. Whole process involving resident’s steering committee and architects. Applications open on 28th September until 26th October. Workshop in Sydenham go to for more information.
Q: Will the money be invested in further social housing? A: Yes
Q: What about resale? A: Owners must sell it back to Community Land Trust
Q: Are their clauses to prevent people from buying them and then renting out? A: Yes, there is a model for this in other areas and all these rules have been put in place. London community land trust will be monitoring the situation.
Housing schemes on site and in the pipeline
Planning permission for has been granted for five new homes on the garage site in Elderton Road. More information in the Community Update.
Homes are being built in Silverdale and Grace Path. There are plans for Markwell Close and Hensford Gardens.
Q: Why is a community garden at Markwell Close being cleared for development? A: Cllr Best commented that this is still not decided and being explored by Lewisham Homes. We are facing a housing crisis and affordable housing is badly needed in the area.
Q: Why has the Willow Way site been empty for so long? A: Cllr Curran will again chase this and last heard that it had been lined up for the next phase. This is a mixed use scheme with light industrial use. This will be followed up for the next assembly.
Comment that buildings should be refurbished, reconditioned in light of climate change and carbon gas emergency. Disappointed to see Mais house on Sydenham Hill going to be demolished.
Comment on the fact there is a lot of infill housing going on. Not very good quality housing and increasing anti-social behaviour. Markwell Close in particular is experiencing problems. Cllr Best urged residents to report any crime or anti-social behaviour to the police who are in the meeting.
Modal Filters on Silverdale and Bishopsthorpe Road
Comment that we need a ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Next meeting date to decide on NCIL funding early in the New Year to be decided |
Close of meeting and opening of Fun Palace Minutes: In closing the meeting the Chair thanked everyone present and introduced the market stalls in the room – Police, ALL, Sydenham Arts, Sydenham Society, Spontaneous Productions, JRHYS, Bell Green Neighbourhood Forum, Christmas Community Lights and the Mayoresses Tombola.
The Lewisham Mayoresses we were given a warm welcome by the Sydenham Town Crier to open the Fun Palace and they talked about the work of the food bank and paying a small subscription. They are running a free tombola.
Paint a Smile workshop is running at the back of the hall and the Fun Palace programme for the afternoon is 2pm Hoola Hooping, 3pm Taster Icelandic and 4pm Glasswork. Downstairs Ignition Brewery are holding a market.
The Fun Palace continues on Sunday with drawing, poetry and pilates as well as bee keeping and healthy living.