The report was introduced by
the Head of Law’s representative who reported changes to the
Constitution Scheme of delegation were required so that the
reduction from five to four directorates could take place on
October 24 as planned.
The Head of Law’s
representative highlighted a change made to the matters reserved to
planning committees which would henceforth be responsible for the
consideration of all town and country planning matters relating to
the demolition of any building in use as a public house or which
was currently unoccupied but was in use as a public house
immediately prior to becoming unoccupied.
Councillor Smith pointed out
pages 334 and 335 of the report pertaining to the composition of
the Executive contained some factual errors which required
Councillor De Ryk received confirmation that the transfer of
responsibility for Licensing to the Customer Services Directorate
would not affect the powers and responsibilities of the Licensing
Councillor Hall requested that
a summary of all the changes made to the Constitution be considered
at the next meeting of the Constitution Working Party for their
That the delegation of
non-executive functions set out in the Schedule appearing at
Appendix A be approved.