Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 


No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 209 KB




None were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on February 3 & February

10 2021 be confirmed and signed as correct records.


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Chair of

the Overview & Scrutiny Business Panel, Councillor Bill Brown, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Executive Director for Community

Services be asked to prepare a response for consideration by the




Councillor Bill Brown presented the views of the Business Panel which had

raised four issues in respect of Covid Vaccines which called on the

Department of Health and Social Care to-               


1)    Guarantee a firewall that prevents any information governed by the

NHS being used for Test & Trace being used for immigration



2)    End all hostile environment measures in the NHS, including

charging for migrants, to combat the fear and mistrust these policies

have created


3)    Provide specific support for all GP surgeries to register everyone

including under-documented and undocumented migrants and

those without secure accomodation and ensure that all other routes

to vaccination are accessible to everyone.


4)    Fund a public information campaign to ensure that communites

impacted by their hostile enviroment are aware of their rights and

access to the vaccine.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Chair of

the Overview & Scrutiny Business Panel, Councillor Bill Brown, the

Mayor and Cabinet:


RESOLVED that the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to

prepare a response for consideration by the Cabinet.



Lewisham's Climate Emergency Action Plan pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, and the

Chair of the Sustainable Development Select Committee, Councillor Liam

Curran, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the update on progress and future plans for delivery on Lewisham’s

Climate Emergency Action Plan be noted; and


(2) the proposed response to the 3 February 2021 referral from the

Sustainable Development Select Committee set out in Section 6 be approved.




The report was presented by Councillor Sophie McGeevor who reported that

considerable progress had been made in addressing the declared Climate



Councillor Paul Bell urged the adoption of a plant bases diet as a measure

that could assist in efforts to halt climate change. He further raised the issue

of Solar Panels and Solar Tiles and asked that greater clarity be offered on

the website. Councillor McGeevor gave an undertaking to examine further

both issues that had been raised.


Councillor Liam Curran, the Chair of the Sustainable Development Select

Committee, addressed the Cabinet and praised the creation of a

special Climate Emergency page on the Council’s website.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, and the

Chair of the Sustainable Development Select Committee, Councillor Liam

Curran, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a

vote of 10-0:




(1) the update on progress and future plans for delivery on Lewisham’s

Climate Emergency Action Plan be noted; and


(2) the proposed response to the 3 February 2021 referral from the

Sustainable Development Select Committee set out in Section 6 be approved.



Main Grants Extension pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that a sum of £155,815 be granted to eight organisations to

extend their delivery period under the current Main Grants programme to 31

March 2022 to allow all organisations that have been granted funding under

the Main Grants programme to continue delivery of crucial Covid-19 recovery-

related services to Lewisham residents and also ensure that all organisations

are enabled to continue delivery of essential community activities and work

towards sustainability in light of previous disruptions resulting from the Covid-

19 crisis, until the start of the new Main Grants programme in April 2022.



The Mayor expressed his full support for the proposals and was delighted that

decades long relationships in some cases could be extended.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 10-0;


RESOLVED that a sum of £155,815 be granted to eight organisations to

extend their delivery period under the current Main Grants programme to 31

March 2022 to allow all organisations that have been granted funding under

the Main Grants programme to continue delivery of crucial Covid-19 recovery-

related services to Lewisham residents and also ensure that all organisations

are enabled to continue delivery of essential community activities and work

towards sustainability in light of previous disruptions resulting from the Covid-

19 crisis, until the start of the new Main Grants programme in April 2022.



Small Sites Study Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, and the Chair of the

Sustainable Development Select Committee, Councillor Liam Curran, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the comments received from the meeting of Sustainable Development

Select Committee held on 3 March 2021 be accepted in their entirety and

officers be delegated to incorporate the comments into the Small Sites

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


(2) the content of the draft Small Sites SPD be approved for public consultation in accordance with the Council’s original Statement of Community Involvement consultation process.




Councillor Liam Curran, the Chair of the Sustainable Development Select

Committee, presented the written comments of his Committee. In response,

Councillor Pau Bell successfully proposed that all of their views be accepted

and officers be asked to incorporate them in the Supplementary Planning



Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, and the Chair of the

Sustainable Development Select Committee, Councillor Liam Curran, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 10-0;




(1) the comments received from the meeting of Sustainable Development

Select Committee held on 3 March 2021 be accepted in their entirety and

officers be delegated to incorporate the comments into the Small Sites

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


(2) the content of the draft Small Sites SPD be approved for public

consultation in accordance with the Council’s original Statement of

Community Involvement consultation process.



Building for Lewisham Programme Requirements Part 1 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul

Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that.


(1) Having considered the responses to the consultation carried out on

Elderton Road under s105 of the Housing Act 1985 between 25 January 2021

and 15 February 2021, the proposal to build new homes on Elderton Road be

continued subject to planning permission being granted, and the budget to

proceed with the enabling works for the Elderton Road site be approved;


(2) the budget to proceed with enabling works for the Endwell Road site be



(3) subject to the consent of the Secretary of State being obtained under

Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010, the appropriation of the Fairlawn

Nursery Annex (as shown in the red outline on an attached plan from

Education Use (General Fund) to Housing Use (Housing Revenue Account)

under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 be approved;


(4) the making of an application to the Secretary of State for Education under

Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010 be approved;


(5) the removal of the Eddystone Tower conversion project from the Building

for Lewisham programme be approved and the abortive costs be noted;


(6) a redesign of the Mayfield scheme, submission of a revised planning

application, tender for works and an associated budget be approved.



Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul

Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and having

considered the confidential information in Part 2 of the meeting:




(1) Having considered the responses to the consultation carried out on

Elderton Road under s105 of the Housing Act 1985 between 25 January 2021

and 15 February 2021, the proposal to build new homes on Elderton Road be

continued subject to planning permission being granted, and the budget to

proceed with the enabling works for the Elderton Road site be approved;


(2) the budget to proceed with enabling works for the Endwell Road site be



(3) subject to the consent of the Secretary of State being obtained under

Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010, the appropriation of the Fairlawn

Nursery Annex (as shown in the red outline on an attached plan from

Education Use (General Fund) to Housing Use (Housing Revenue Account)

under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 be approved;


(4) the making of an application to the Secretary of State for Education under

Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010 be approved;


(5) the removal of the Eddystone Tower conversion project from the Building

for Lewisham programme be approved and the abortive costs be noted;


(6) a redesign of the Mayfield scheme, submission of a revised planning

application, tender for works and an associated budget be approved.



Top up of the NCIL Borough Wide Pot and additional Borough wide priority pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul

Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) a top up of the existing borough wide fund by a further £396,161 be

approved which was collected through CIL receipts during the period of April

2018 – March 2020 bringing the available funding available through the

borough wide pot to £977,094; and


(2) the additional priority addressing projects that aim to assist in Lewisham’s

Covid-19 recovery that will benefit Lewisham’s communities at a borough

wide level be approved.



Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul

Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a

vote of 10-0:




(1) a top up of the existing borough wide fund by a further £396,161 be

approved which was collected through CIL receipts during the period of April

2018 – March 2020 bringing the available funding available through the

borough wide pot to £977,094; and


(2) the additional priority addressing projects that aim to assist in Lewisham’s

Covid-19 recovery that will benefit Lewisham’s communities at a borough

wide level be approved.



Statement of Community Involvement [ceasing temporary Covid changes to the scheme of delegation] pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet

agreed that:


(1) the intention to cease the temporary changes to the Council’s scheme of

delegation be noted;


(2) temporary modifications to  the Council’s Statement of Community

Involvement (SCI) be authorised for a further 18 month period to enable the



(a) Invitations to planning committee meetings and other communications and

information (including publication of agendas) relating to planningcommittee

meetings be carried out electronically wherever possible


(b) Make it explicit that people wishing to speak at planning committee will

need to register to speak in advance of the meeting and will need to submit

written copies of their speeches in advance of the meeting


(c) Local Meetings to be able to be held remotely


(d) Make any necessary amendments regarding the publication of planning

applications, agendas and decisions



Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet

for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the intention to cease the temporary changes to the Council’s scheme of

delegation be noted;


(2) temporary modifications to  the Council’s Statement of Community

Involvement (SCI) be authorised for a further 18 month period to enable the



(a) Invitations to planning committee meetings and other communications and

information (including publication of agendas) relating to planningcommittee

meetings be carried out electronically wherever possible


(b) Make it explicit that people wishing to speak at planning committee will

need to register to speak in advance of the meeting and will need to submit

written copies of their speeches in advance of the meeting


(c) Local Meetings to be able to be held remotely


(d) Make any necessary amendments regarding the publication of planning

applications, agendas and decisions



Acceptance of Football Foundation Capital Grant - Riverside Youth Club Part 1 pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children's Services and School

Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the application for external funding from the Football Foundation be approved;


(2) the procurement of a works contractor to deliver the Riverside

redevelopment be approved;


(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Children & Young

People, on the advice of the Executive Director for Corporate Resources and

Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration & Environment to award a

works contract to deliver the Riverside Youth Club redevelopment

Programme; and


(4) the construction budget set out in Part 2 be approved.



Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children's Services and School

Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the

reasons set out in the report and having considered the financial information

in the Part 2 report, by a vote of 10-0:




(1) the application for external funding from the Football Foundation be



(2) the procurement of a works contractor to deliver the Riverside

redevelopment be approved;


(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Children & Young

People, on the advice of the Executive Director for Corporate Resources and

Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration & Environment to award a

works contract to deliver the Riverside Youth Club redevelopment

Programme; and


(4) the construction budget set out in Part 2 be approved.



Governing Body Proposal - future of St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Children's Services and School Performance, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that officers work with the Governing

Body and Archdiocese to ensure that the statutory process is followed. 


The report was introduced by Councillor Chris Barnham who stressed that

while the Council was the statutory decision maker, the closure proposal was

being promoted by the Governing Body and the Archdiocese of Southwark.

He said there would be a thorough consultation process and should closure

occur, all children would be offered an alternative placement.


Councillor Barnham’s outline was confirmed by Dr Simon Hughes, the

Diocesan Schools Commissioner and Director of Education for the Roman

Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. He said the proposals were being

advanced with a heavy heart and great sadness. He said the Governors

believed there were being forced to take the decision given the financial



Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Children's Services and School Performance, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by

a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that officers work with the Governing Body and Archdiocese to

ensure that the statutory process is followed. 


Learning Disability Framework - request to procure a contract for Supported Living Part 1 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that the initiation of the procurement of a 4 year supported

living contract via a mini-competition under Lot 1: Supported Living of the

Framework Agreement for Adults with Learning Disabilities 2019-2023 be



Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and having considered the

financial information in Part 2, by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that the initiation of the procurement of a 4 year supported

living contract via a mini-competition under Lot 1: Supported Living of the

Framework Agreement for Adults with Learning Disabilities 2019-2023 be



Contract Extension - Parks and Open Spaces Management pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that a further extension of 24 months to the Green

Space Contract with Glendale Grounds Management be approved from 1st

November 2021 until 31st October 2023 at a cost of £ £5.2m.


Councillor McGeevor confirmed that in-sourcing was not a current option

given the strain arising from the Covid pandemic.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the

Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that a further extension of 24 months to the Green

Space Contract with Glendale Grounds Management be approved from 1st

November 2021 until 31st October 2023 at a cost of £ £5.2m.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 26 KB




RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to

Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the

Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the

meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve

the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1

of Schedule 12(A) of the Act,  and the public interest in maintaining the

exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information


15. Learning Disability Framework - request to procure a contract for

Supported Living


16. Building for Lewisham Programme requirements.


17. Acceptance of Football Foundation Capital Grant - Riverside Youth Club


Building for Lewisham Programme requirements Part 2


All recommendations were agreed in the open part of the agenda.


All recommendations were agreed in the open part of the agenda.


Learning Disability Framework - request to procure a contract for Supported Living Part 2


All recommendations were agreed in the open part of the agenda.



All recommendations were agreed in the open part of the agenda.



Acceptance of Football Foundation Capital Grant - Riverside Youth Club Part 2


All recommendations were agreed in the open part of the agenda.



This report was not available for the original dispatch as further information

was required to ensure that financial implications had been fully considered in

this report. 


Given the deadline of 14 March 2021 to accept the grant from the Football

Foundation, the Chair agreed it was essential that the Mayor and his Cabinet

receive this report on 10March.


All recommendations were agreed in the open part of the agenda.


The meeting closed at 7.06pm.