Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a
presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul
Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that.
(1) Having considered the responses to the consultation carried out on
Elderton Road under s105 of the Housing Act 1985 between 25 January 2021
and 15 February 2021, the proposal to build new homes on Elderton Road be
continued subject to planning permission being granted, and the budget to
proceed with the enabling works for the Elderton Road site be approved;
(2) the budget to proceed with enabling works for the Endwell Road site be
(3) subject to the consent of the Secretary of State being obtained under
Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010, the appropriation of the Fairlawn
Nursery Annex (as shown in the red outline on an attached plan from
Education Use (General Fund) to Housing Use (Housing Revenue Account)
under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 be approved;
(4) the making of an application to the Secretary of State for Education under
Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010 be approved;
(5) the removal of the Eddystone Tower conversion project from the Building
for Lewisham programme be approved and the abortive costs be noted;
(6) a redesign of the Mayfield scheme, submission of a revised planning
application, tender for works and an associated budget be approved.
Publication date: 11/03/2021
Date of decision: 10/03/2021
Decided at meeting: 10/03/2021 - Mayor and Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: