Council meetings

Agenda item



The Planning Officer outlined the details of the proposal for Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission for external and internal extension, alteration and restoration in connection with the use of the building as a place of worship (Use Class D1) and associated uses, including cafe (Use Class A3) and crèche, community hall and conference facility (use Class D1). He mentioned that English Heritage had said they would delist the building if listed building consent were granted. He also mentioned that since the publication of the agenda, further correspondence had been received from TfL, which necessitated an additional reason for refusal as follows:

(3)     Insufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that the proposal would not have an adverse impact on local bus services and pedestrian safety contrary to Policy HSG 4 Residential Amenity of the UDP (2004), Policy 14 Sustainable movement and transport of the core Strategy (June 2011), Policy LTC21 Sustainable Transport of the Lewisham Town Centre Local Plan and Policy 6.3 Assessing effects of development on transport capacity of the London Plan.

The Committee received representation from Ms Wakako Hirose of Rapleys Commercial Property & Planning Consultants and from Pastor Michael White of The Tabernacle Church who said the aim of the proposed works were to restore the building to enable it to be used as a community centre and church hall, the benefit of which would far outweigh any harm that may arise from the proposed works. They did not accept that English Heritage would delist the building if listed building consent were granted and asked that planning permission and listed building consent be granted.

Councillor Reid spoke under standing orders and in support of the proposal. She said the proposed work would optimise the building for use as an outreach centre which would be of benefit to the local community and outweigh any harm that may be done to the building. She asked that planning permission and listed building consent be granted.

Following questions and deliberation whereby Members considered the harm that may result to the listed building and the proposed benefit to the public, Councillor Kennedy moved the motion to reject the officer’s recommendation and grant planning permission and listed building consent. The motion was seconded by Councillor Adefiranye

Members voted as follows:

FOR:                   Councillors Kennedy (Vice-Chair), Adefiranye, Bourne, Pat Raven, Paul Upex and Walsh

ABSTAINED:    Councillor Amrani (Chair)

RESOLVED:     that in respect to planning permission DC/14/87797 and Listed Building Consent application DC/14/87798

(A)                       That the proposals be agreed and that the application for listed building consent, the committee report and all other required documents be referred to English Heritage under Section 14 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

(B)                       Subject to a direction to refuse the application for listed building consent being received from English Heritage, that the application for listed building consent be referred to the Secretary of State at the appropriate government office (National Planning Casework Unit) under Section 14 (paragraph 4) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and that the application not be refused until 28 days has past without the Secretary of State directing the reference of the application to him or giving notice that further time be required in which to consider whether to require such a reference; or he has notified the authority that he does not intend to require the reference of the application.

(C)                       Subject to no direction being received from English Heritage, to advertise the planning application and the application for listed building consent under Article 13 of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 as departures from the development plan in respect of Core Strategy Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham and Core Strategy Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment and DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens..

(D)                    Subject to no direction being received from the Secretary of State, to authorise officers investigate the impact of the proposal on local bus services and to negotiate and complete a legal agreement under Section 106 of the 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) as reasonable and necessary to ensure the development is acceptable in planning terms in relation to bus capacity and pedestrian and cycle safety, including such other amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development:.

(E)                       Subject to the completion of any necessary legal agreement, that the Head of Planning be authorised to GRANT PLANNNG PERMISSION and LISTED BUILDING CONSENT subject to conditions as considered appropriate by the Head of Planning to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development as set out below:

Planning Permission Conditions:

1.           The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date on which the permission is granted.

Reason:  As required by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2.           The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the application plans, drawings and documents hereby approved and as detailed below:

912362 G RevA, 1 RevA, R RevA, S1 RevA, S2 RevA, S3 RevA, E01 RevA, E02 RevA,  912362 E1 RevA, E RevA, 912362A E RevA, 1205- 001, 020 RevA, 030 RevA, 031 RevB, 032 RevA, 033 RevB, 034 RevB, 035 RevA, 036 RevA, 037 RevA, 038 RevA, 039 RevA, 040 RevA, 041 RevA, 042 RevA, 043 RevA, 044RevA, 045 TA (submitted 02/06/2014) and 1205-002 RevC, 003 RevD, 005 RevC, 006 RevD, 018 RevC, 019 RevC, 021 RevE, 023 RevD, 025RevD, 026 RevD, 028 RevC, 029 RevD (submitted 18/08/2014) Planning Statement, Design & Access Statement, Statement of Community Involvement, Historic Building Impact Assessment (including Statement of Significance and Materials and Workmanship Specification), Condition Report May - 2014, Travel Plan, Schedule of Proposed Repair & Works, Noise Assessment, Heating Cooling and Ventilation Statement.

Reason:  To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved documents, plans and drawings submitted with the application and is acceptable to the local planning authority.

3.           Notwithstanding the details specified in the Schedule of Proposed Repair & Works, item External Elevation: Lewisham High Street Elevation and Courthill Road Elevation, no development shall commence on site until a schedule of the scope and a method statement for the re-decoration and repair of the Lewisham High Street and Courthill Road Elevations have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

4.           No development shall commence on site until samples of any replacement roof slates to be used on the building have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building(s) and to comply with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

5.           (a)     No development shall commence on site until details of proposals for the storage of refuse and recycling facilities for each of the uses hereby approved, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

(b)    The facilities as approved under part (a) shall be provided in full prior to occupation of the development and shall thereafter be permanently retained and maintained.

Reason:  In order that the local planning authority may be satisfied with the provisions for recycling facilities and refuse storage in the interest of safeguarding the amenities of neighbouring occupiers and the area in general, in compliance with Saved Policies URB 3 Urban Design and HSG4 Residential Amenity in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and Core Strategy Policy 13 Addressing Lewisham waste management requirements (2011).

6.           (a)     No development shall commence on site until full details of cycle parking facilities have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

(b)    All cycle parking spaces shall be provided and made available for use prior to occupation of the development and maintained thereafter.

Reason:  In order to ensure adequate provision for cycle parking and to comply with Policy 14: Sustainable movement and transport of the Core Strategy (2011).

7.              (a)      No part of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until such time as an updated user’s Travel Plan, in accordance with Transport for London’s document ‘Travel Panning for New Development in London’ has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The development shall operate in full accordance with all measures identified within the Travel Plan from first occupation. 

(b)     The Travel Plan shall specify initiatives to be implemented by the development to encourage access to and from the site by a variety of non-car means, shall set targets and shall specify a monitoring and review mechanism to ensure compliance with the Travel Plan objectives. The Travel Plan must include use of the building for community purposes.

(c)     Within the timeframe specified by (a) and (b), evidence shall be submitted to demonstrate compliance with the monitoring and review mechanisms agreed under parts (a) and (b).

Reason:  In order that both the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the practicality, viability and sustainability of the Travel Plan for the site and to comply with Policy 14 Sustainable movement and transport of the Core Strategy (June 2011).

8.           Notwithstanding the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order), no pipework to the WCs at first floor level above the main entrance shall be fixed on the front elevation of the building.

Reason:  It is considered that such plumbing or pipes would seriously detract from the appearance of the building and to comply with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

9.           Notwithstanding the details submitted, no development shall commence on site until details for the design and treatment of the central entrance bay at ground floor level facing Lewisham High Street following the removal of the modern canopy have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  Details shall include the treatment of the area of the surviving historic canopy, the proposed area of signage and details of the new entrance door. Details shall include elevation and section drawings at a scale of no less than 1:10, with joinery details provided at a scale of 1:5 and details of glazing bars provided at a scale of 1:2.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

10.      Notwithstanding the details submitted of the ground floor windows to the Lewisham High Street elevation, no development shall commence on site until further details of the windows have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  Details to include elevations and sections at a scale of not less than 1:10, joinery details at a scale of 1:5 and glazing bars details at a scale of 1:2.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

11.      Notwithstanding the details shown on the elevations hereby approved of the treatment of the new/re-instated window to the central hall on the Courthill Road elevation, no development shall commence on site until further details of the treatment of the window have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  Details shall include elevation and section drawings at a scale of 1:10, joinery details at a scale of 1:5 and glazing bars at a scale of 1:2.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

12.      Notwithstanding the details specified in the Schedule of Proposed Repair and Works, item Repair to Rainwater Goods for the treatment of the existing gutters, hoppers and downpipes:

i.              no development shall commence on site until a schedule of all gutter, hoppers and downpipes to be replaced, repaired, or exposed have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority; and

ii.            no development shall commence on site until samples of any replacement gutter, downpipe or hopper have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. 

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

13.        (a)    The development shall not be occupied until a Management Plan for the place of worship use has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

(b)    The Plan shall set out measures to be taken when members of the congregation arrive/leave the site, with the aim of reducing the impact of the proposals on the local road network, bus network and pedestrian and cycle safety.  The Plan will include details of how disabled members of the congregation will access/leave the site.

(c)    The approved Management Plan shall be implemented in full accordance with the approved details from the first occupation of the development and shall be adhered to in perpetuity.

Reason:  In order to ensure satisfactory vehicle management and to comply with Policy 14 Sustainable movement and transport of the Core Strategy (June 2011).

14.         (a)    The development shall not be occupied until a Management Plan for the conference facility/community meeting spaces has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

(b)    The Plan shall set out measures to be taken when visitors arrive/leave the site, with the aim of reducing the impact of the proposals on the local road network, bus network and pedestrian and cycle safety.  The Plan will include details of how disabled visitors will access/leave the site.

(c)    The approved Management Plan shall be implemented in full accordance with the approved details from the first occupation of the development and shall be adhered to in perpetuity.

Reason:  In order to ensure satisfactory vehicle management and to comply with Policy 14 Sustainable movement and transport of the Core Strategy (June 2011).

15.      The number of children attending the crèche/nursery hereby approved will be limited to 49 as set out in the application documents hereby approved. In addition,

(a)    the development shall not be occupied until a Management Plan for the nursery/crèche use has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

(b)    the Plan shall set out measures to be taken when children are dropped off/picked up at the site, with the aim of reducing the impact of the proposals on the local road network, bus network and pedestrian and cycle safety.  The Plan will include details of how disabled children/parents will access/leave the site.

(c)     the approved Management Plan shall be implemented in full accordance with the approved details from the first occupation of the development and shall be adhered to in perpetuity.

Reason:  In order to ensure satisfactory vehicle management and to comply with Policy 14 Sustainable movement and transport of the Core Strategy (June 2011).

16.      No development shall commence on site until the developer has secured the implementation of a programme of recording the existing building to Level 3 as set out in the English Heritage Guidance: Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to good recording practice in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason:  To ensure that the historic elements of the building that will be removed/demolished as a result of the proposal hereby approved are adequately recorded in compliance with Policies 15 High quality design for Lewisham and 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Policy 7.8 of the London Plan (July 2011)

17.      Notwithstanding the details already submitted, no development shall commence on site until details of the doors to the main hall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The details shall include:

i.              measures to be taken to ensure that the doorsets achieve at least 34 dB Rw as required by the Noise Assessment (A9749-R01a-JGM dated the 21 July 2014)

ii.            measures to be taken to ensure that the doors do not open outwards onto Courthill Road or will not obstruct pedestrian movement.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To safeguard the amenities of the adjoining premises and in the interests of pedestrian safety in accordance with Saved Policies ENV.PRO 9 Potentially Polluting Uses, ENV.PRO 11 Noise Generating Development and HSG 4 Residential Amenity in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and Core Strategy Policy 14 Sustainable movement and transport of the Core Strategy (June 2011).

Planning Consent Informative

A.     The Council engages with all applicants in a positive and proactive way through specific pre-application enquires and the detailed advice available on the Councils website.  On this particular application, positive discussions took place prior to the application about the proposed works resulting in substantial harm to the building that were not justified.  When the application was submitted, the applicant provided further information to establish a case that the benefits provided to the community by the applicant would constitute substantial public benefits.  It was resolved by members that these benefits were sufficient to outweigh the substantial harm that would arise as a result of the proposals to the listed building.

Listed Building Conditions:

1.             The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date on which the permission is granted.

Reason:  As required by Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

2.             The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the application plans, drawings and documents hereby approved and as detailed below:

912362 G RevA, 1 RevA, R RevA, S1 RevA, S2 RevA, S3 RevA, E01 RevA, E02 RevA, 912362 E1 RevA, E RevA, 912362A E RevA, 1205- 001, 020 RevA, 030 RevA, 031 RevB, 032 RevA, 033 RevB, 034 RevB, 035 RevA, 036 RevA, 037 RevA, 038 RevA, 039 RevA, 040 RevA, 041 RevA, 042 RevA, 043 RevA, 044RevA, 045 TA (submitted 02/06/2014) and 1205-002 RevC, 003 RevD, 005 RevC, 006 RevD, 018 RevC, 019 RevC, 021 RevE, 023 RevD, 025RevD, 026 RevD, 028 RevC, 029 RevD (submitted 18/08/2014) Planning Statement, Design & Access Statement, Statement of Community Involvement, Historic Building Impact Assessment (including Statement of Significance and Materials and Workmanship Specification), Condition Report May -2014, Travel Plan, Schedule of Proposed Repair & Works,  Noise Assessment, Heating Cooling and Ventilation Statement.

Reason:  To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved documents, plans and drawings submitted with the application and is acceptable to the local planning authority.

3.             No development shall commence on site until the developer has secured the implementation of a programme of recording the existing building to Level 3 as set out in the English Heritage Guidance: Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to good recording practice in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason:  To ensure that the historic elements of the building that will be lost as a result of the proposal hereby approved are adequately recorded in compliance with Policies 15 High quality design for Lewisham and 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Policy 7.8 of the London Plan (July 2011)

4.             Notwithstanding the details specified in the Schedule of Proposed Repair & Works, item External Elevation: Lewisham High Street Elevation and Courthill Road Elevation, no development shall commence on site until a schedule of the scope and a method statement for the re-decoration and repair of the Lewisham High Street and Courthill Road Elevations have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

5.             No development shall commence on site until samples of any replacement roof slates to be used on the building have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building(s) and to comply with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

6.             Notwithstanding the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order), no pipework to the WCs at first floor level above the main entrance shall be fixed on the front elevation of the building.

Reason:  It is considered that such plumbing or pipes would seriously detract from the appearance of the building and to comply with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

7.             Notwithstanding the details submitted, no development shall commence on site until details for the design and treatment of the central entrance bay at ground floor level facing Lewisham High Street (following the removal of the modern canopy) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Details shall include treatment of the area of the surviving historic canopy, the proposed area of signage and details of new entrance door. Details shall include elevation and section drawings at a scale of no less than 1:10, with joinery details provided at a scale of 1:5 and details of glazing bars provided at a scale of 1:2. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

8.             Notwithstanding the details submitted of the ground floor windows to the Lewisham High Street elevation, no development shall commence on site until further details of the windows have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Details shall include elevations and sections at a scale of not less than 1:10, joinery details at a scale of 1:5 and glazing bars details at a scale of 1:2.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

9.             Notwithstanding the details submitted of the proposed fixed inner screen (‘Display Cases’) behind the shop windows to the Nursery, no development shall commence on site until further details of the screens have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

10.        Notwithstanding the details shown on the elevations hereby approved of the treatment of the new/re-instated window to the central hall on the Courthill Road elevation, no development shall commence on site until further details of the treatment of the window have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  Details shall include elevation and section drawings at a scale of 1:10, joinery details at a scale of 1:5 and glazing bars at a scale of 1:2.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

11.        Notwithstanding the details specified in the Schedule of Proposed Repair and Works, item Repair to Rainwater Goods for the treatment of the existing gutters, hoppers and downpipes:

i.               no development shall commence on site until a schedule of all gutter, hoppers and downpipes to be replaced, repaired, or exposed have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority; and

ii.             no development shall commence on site until samples of any replacement gutter, downpipe or hopper have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. 

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

12.        Notwithstanding the details shown on the plans hereby approved of new internal and external doors, no development shall commence on site until further details of all new internal and external doors have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  Details shall include (but not be limited to) elevation and section drawings at a scale of 1:10.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 

Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset is conserved and enhanced in accordance with Policy 16 Conservation areas, heritage assets and the historic environment of the Core Strategy and Policy DM Policy 36 New development, changes of use and alterations affecting designated heritage assets and their setting: conservation areas, listed buildings, schedule of ancient monuments and registered parks and gardens of the Development Management Local Plan (for adoption November 2014).

Supporting documents: