Council meetings

Agenda item

223-225 Lewisham High Street SE13 6LY


The Planning Officer outlined the details of the proposal for the demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a part 4/ part 5 storey building to provide 195m2 of commercial (A1/A2/B1 use classes) floorspace at ground floor, and 22 self-contained residential units on the ground and upper floors with associated amenity space, and refuse, recycling storage and cycle storage. She recommended that planning permission be granted.

The Committee received verbal representation from Mr G Cassidy of BPTW Partnership and from Mr M Cross of Yurky Cross on behalf of the applicant, who stated that the design had been the result of extensive pre-application consultation with the local authority. They asked that planning permission be granted.

Following questions and deliberation by members, Councillor Till moved a motion to authorise the Head of Law to complete a legal agreement under Section 106 of the 1990 Act as detailed in the report and upon completion, grant planning permission for application DC/13/85398 subject to Conditions as amended, and that the committee be informed of the result of the review of the affordable housing as detailed in the Section 106 Agreement when triggered. The motion was seconded by Councillor Roy Kennedy.

Members voted as follows:

FOR:                   Councillors Amrani (Chair), Roy Kennedy, De Ryk, Raven, Till, Upex and Walsh

RESOLVED:     that in respect of town planning application DC/13/85398:

(i)            Authorise the Head of Law to complete a legal agreement under Section 106 of the 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) to cover the following principal matters to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development:

Financial contribution towards:

a)        Off site contribution to affordable housing - £160,000.

b)        Financial payment in lieu of 1 wheelchair unit - £25,000

c)         Employment and Training - £12,631.58

d)        Open Space - £29,212.85

e)        Leisure Facilities - £18,089.94

f)         Education - £43,752.89

g)        Other Community Facilities - £6,909.54

h)        Town Centre Management - £5,406.32

i)          Carbon Offset Fund - £3260.40

Restriction on car parking permits within the controlled parking area, with the exception of blue badge holders.

Meeting the Council's legal, professional and monitoring costs associated with the drafting, finalising and monitoring of the Agreement.

(ii)          Upon completion of a satisfactory legal agreement, the Head of Planning be authorised to grant planning permission subject to Conditions 1-6 and 8-22 as set out in the report, and Condition 7 amended as follows:

Condition 7


(a)     The development shall be constructed in those materials as specified within the submitted Materials Statement October 2013 (Yurky Cross Architects) and in full accordance with Plan nos. PL021A, PL022A, PL030A, PL031A, PL032A with the exception of Ibstock Surrey Yellow Multi brick;

(b)     Notwithstanding part (a) full particulars and samples of facing bricks for the rear elevation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before development commences;

(c)     No development shall take place until sample panels of at least 1m by 1m of the bricks specified, showing the proposed bonding, mortar and pointing have been constructed on site and approved in writing by the local planning authority;

(d)     The scheme shall be carried out in full accordance with those details, as approved.

Reason:  To ensure that the design is delivered in accordance with the details submitted and assessed so that the development achieves the necessary high standard and detailing in accordance with Policies 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004).

And that the committee be informed of the outcome of the further financial viability appraisal, the requirements for which is to be included in the Section 106 agreement.

Supporting documents: