Council meetings

Agenda item

LCPCG and the preparation for a Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board



The LCPCG held (will hold) its final public meeting on Tuesday 4th March 2014.  Please see the attached poster.


Over the previous 18 months the Chair, Jackie Addison, and Vice Chair, Royston John, have been working together with other members of the LCPCG Strategy Group and local partners to set up a new organisation called the Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board.   To ensure that Lewisham had a Safer Neighbourhood Board at all, they have

·         had many meetings and negotiations with officers and politicians from MOPAC (the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime)

·         also had many meetings and negotiations with local council and local police, who have given us their backing

·         guaranteed that LCPCG’s 3 sub-groups, the Preventing Hate Crime Group, the Stop and Search Scrutiny Group and the Ward Panel Forum will all be given professional support from our local partners from April 2014 after we are gone, and be represented on the new Board

·         jointly campaigned about the changes with our sister CPEGs from other boroughs (under the umbrella group LCP2)

·         have been a witness for the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee investigation into the changes

·         are working with local organisations to agree how the administration of the new Board will work,

·         have produced a set of draft governing documents

·         ensured that the Board will have a local community element who are democratically elected

·         held an election for those six Community Board Members

·         held a Shadow Board meeting to test the system (the first in London)

·         were the (joint) first borough to have their Safer Neighbourhood Board proposal approved by MOPAC

·         and much more…


After the LCPCG funding comes to a close at the end of March 2014 there will no longer be a paid LCPCG Coordinator.  You will be able to contact the volunteers on the Strategy Group via email    The LCPCG’s main webpages at will be kept for a while, but may not be available once the new Board webpages are developed.


These online meeting pages are being published simply to ensure online access to some of these important documents.