Council meetings

Agenda item

Savings Proposals 2014-15 and 2015-16


Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the Chair of the

Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Alan Hall and by the Cabinet

Member for Resources, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor agreed that


(i) the comments of the Public Accounts Select Committee of 16

December 2013, incorporating the views of the respective select

committees be received;


(ii) the previously agreed savings package of £17.0m be amended and

referred to Council following an officer review which identified that circa

£0.7m of these proposals were no longer achievable, meaning that the

previously agreed package of savings for 2014/15 is revised down to

just over £16.2mas detailed in Appendix A;


(iii) revenue budget savings of £6.258m be approved, of which £5.658m

relates to 2014/15 and £0.6m relates to 2015/16, as detailed in

Appendix E; subject to saving CYP13 being rejected and saving CYP12

being deferred;


(iv) the supporting report and recommendations for CYP12, the

Attendance and Welfare service be deferred to the February 12 meeting

to allow pre-decision scrutiny by the Children & Young People Select

Committee on January 29 2014; and


(v) additional efficiency savings of £2.5m, as set out in section 6.2 be




The report was presented by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor

Paul Maslin who highlighted measures taken to achieve savings required for

what he believed to be the Government’s failing austerity policy.


The Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration’s representative then

reported and advised all savings would be fed into the Budget in February



The Mayor reported that he had attended the Public Accounts Select

Committee two days previously and had promised to withdraw saving CYP12

from consideration to allow pre decision scrutiny by the Children and Young

People Select Committee.


Councillor Alan Hall then addressed the Mayor as Chair of the Overview &

Scrutiny Committee and on behalf of the Labour Group. He commented on

 specific savings as follows:


COM03          He advised future increases in voluntary sector funding might be

                        required as part of a restructuring of public services.

CUS07           He said the Overview & Scrutiny Committee would examine the

                        saving in greater detail the following evening.

CYO5              Staff consultation would be welcomed.

CYP12            Further pre decision scrutiny was supported.

CYP13            He believed the saving was premature.

CUS03           Further discussion on improvements to recycling collection was


R&R02           Benchmarking results should be subject to the scrutiny process.

COM01          A large piece of work should be addressed in the round in the

                        Lewisham Futures programme.


The Mayor then considered each saving individually as follows:


CYP01            Approved

CYP03            Approved

CYP04            Approved

CYP05            Approved with the Mayor expressing concern that consultation

                        with staff had not been completed and stated if issues emerged

                        they should be reported to him.

CYP06            Approved

CYP07            Approved

CYP08            Approved

CYP09            Approved

CYP010         Approved

CYP11            Approved

CYP12            Deferred

CYP13            Rejected, as the Mayor was not persuaded it was sensible to

                        take a saving from a service recently restructured and still         

                        bedding down.

CYP14            Approved

CYP15            Approved

COM01          Approved and the comments of the Chair of Overview &           

                        Scrutiny be noted for future years.

COM02          Approved with the Mayor noting this effectively represented a

                        grant substitution.

COM03          Approved

COM04          Approved

CUS01           Approved

CUS02           Approved

CUS03           Approved, with the Mayor receiving an assurance from the       

                        Executive Director for Customer Services that he would discuss

                        the issues involved with the chief executives of Registered        

                        Social Landlords.

CUS04           Approved

CUS05           Approved

CUS06           Approved

CUS07           Approved, with the Mayor noting representations received from

                        the Housing Select Committee and Unison and asking for        

                        reassurance that the saving was possible and about the            

                        capacity of current providers.

CUS08           Approved with the Mayor expressing concern that consultation

                        with staff had not been completed and stated if issues emerged

                        they should be reported to him.

R&R01           Approved

R&R02           Approved with the Mayor receiving a tabled paper from the      

                        Public Accounts on comparative charges made by other           

                        boroughs and receiving an undertaking from the Executive       

                        Director for Resources and Regeneration that the methodology

                        in determining supermajor costings would be provided  

                        subsequent to the meeting.

R&R03           Approved

R&R04           Approved


Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the Chair of the

Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Alan Hall and by the Cabinet

Member for Resources, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor, for the reasons set

out in the report subject to the variations outlined above, agreed that


(i) the comments of the Public Accounts Select Committee of 16

December 2013, incorporating the views of the respective select

committees be received;


(ii) the previously agreed savings package of £17.0m be amended and

referred to Council following an officer review which identified that circa

£0.7m of these proposals were no longer achievable, meaning that the

previously agreed package of savings for 2014/15 is revised down to

just over £16.2mas detailed in Appendix A;


(iii) revenue budget savings of £6.258m be approved, of which £5.658m

relates to 2014/15 and £0.6m relates to 2015/16, as detailed in

Appendix E; subject to saving CYP13 being rejected and saving CYP12

being deferred;


(iv) the supporting report and recommendations for CYP12, the

Attendance and Welfare service be deferred to the February 12 meeting

to allow pre-decision scrutiny by the Children & Young People Select

Committee on January 29 2014; and


(v) additional efficiency savings of £2.5m, as set out in section 6.2 be



Supporting documents: