Council meetings

Agenda item

Parking Policy Review


The report was introduced Councillor Susan Wise and by the Head of Public Services. The Mayor was then addressed by Councillor Jim Mallory who welcomed the report and said it fully reflected the concerns previously expressed by the Lee Green Assembly. He said there were some lingering concerns on implementation but that overall the range of measures being proposed fully reflected the information provided through the survey.


Councillor Helen Klier received an assurance that officers would include local councillors in any public consultation on any new CPZ in their wards.


The Mayor thanked everyone involved in the review and recognised a number of conflicting responses had been received. He expressed concern on the relatively high charges levied for business parking and said he would look again at this issue in the future. He said he had considered options on charging models very carefully but owing to the anomalies differential charging could create, he had concluded the current flat-rate charging model at £120 should be maintained.


Having considered the officer report, and the presentations from the Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Councillor Susan Wise, and a Lee Green Ward Councillor, the Mayor:






(i) a minimum turnout of 10% of households be maintained within the implementation area, below which the consultation will be deemed




(ii) CPZs be introduced where over 50% of residents (that vote) in the implementation area are supportive;



(iii) the additional Mayor and Cabinet decision-making process for results between 50% and 55% be removed;



(iv) consultation involve residents across a given area that are considered to be affected by both existing and potentially displaced parking pressure;



(v) the responsiveness of the CPZ review process be enhanced to ensure residents affected by displaced parking are consulted and agreed solutions are implemented;



(vi) flexibility be maximised where feasible by offering a menu of options for the operating hours of CPZs, recognising the options available will depend on the parking attractors in the local area;



(vii) a standardised approach for the submission and collation of CPZ parking issues to the Council be developed;



(viii) where significant parking problems are predicted as a result of developments, a presentation of evidence and specific solutions be considered on a case by case basis, to be approved at Mayor and Cabinet. Solutions may include residents being given a chance to

influence the design of the CPZ, but not vote as to whether one will be implemented;



(ix) a new charging model that is customer-focussed, offers affordable concessions to residents and visitors, and is supported by a

strong policy rationale be introduced;



(x) the new parking permit charges be frozen at the new levels until the 2015/16 financial year and reviewed annually thereafter to take account of financial pressures;



(xi) the public be consulted on any future charge increases that exceed inflation;



(xii) a concessionary rate (£30) be introduced to resident permit holders with the most efficient vehicles (e.g. Tax Bands A-B);



(xiii) the current flat-rate charging model at £120 be maintained;



(xiv) new scheme rules and a refunds policy governing the new permit charges be introduced;



(xv) the cost of weekly visitor parking permits be reduced from £28 to £20 per week;



(xvi) On application, a book of 10 visitor parking permits (1-hour) be provided free of charge to all households that currently have at least one resident parking permit holder;



(xvii) On application, a book of 10 visitor parking permits (1-hour) be provided free of charge to residents in CPZs that are over 60 years and in receipt of council tax support and do not have another parking permit;



(xviii) carer parking permits be provided free of charge;



(xix) the current annual charge for a business parking permit (£500) be maintained;



(xx) the current charges for car parking and on-street Pay and Display facilities be maintained;



(xxi) the implementation of free short-stay bays of 30-minutes near business hubs be maintained, but a longer duration of 1-hour be considered in specific circumstances;



(xxii) Blue Badge Holders continue to be provided with a resident parking permit free of charge;



(xxiii) the introduction of advisory bays in non-CPZ areas continue to be facilitated; but advisory bays be removed or converted to mandatory bays in CPZ areas;



(xxiv) an application process be established for disabled bays, with set criteria to ensure that these bays are necessary, safe and feasible;



(xxv) an annual programme be established , as part of the CPZ programme, for the provision and review of disabled parking across the borough;



(xxvi) the national scheme be maintained of a 20-minute period for loading or unloading items or other goods from the vehicle and a 5 minute

minimum observation period to ascertain whether this activity is being carried out before considering enforcement actions;



(xxvii) all parking policies be refreshed and collate into an integrated and accessible parking policy document;



(xxviii) the policy be refreshed at least every three years;



(xxix) the Executive Director of Customer Services and the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration be authorised to approve the final policy document in line with these recommendations;



(xxx) a prioritised programme for the consultation, implementation and review of CPZs be established;



(xxxi) a new funding model for the proposed CPZ Programme be established;



(xxxii) an annual report be received on the proposed CPZ Programme and on the delivery of the previous year’s programme;



(xxxiii) an enhanced and accessible annual report on parking related Revenue be produced;



(xxxiv) work continue with schools to develop School Travel Plans to encouraging safe and sustainable travel for their staff, pupils and parents;



(xxxv) Pay and Display machines be phased out over-time in favour of more cost effective and cashless parking, alongside alternatives for people who do not have access to a mobile phone or debit/credit card;



(xxxvi) Where funding is available, new charging points for electric vehicles be placed in locations that seek to serve the wider community; and



(xxxvii) all signs within existing CPZs be reviewed as part of the review programme to ensure they are consistent and clear.


Supporting documents: