RESOLVED: That the committees views on Housing Matters: results of the consultation and way forward be submitted to Mayor and Cabinet on 16 January 2013:
- The committee would like to urge Mayor and Cabinet, at their meeting on 16th January, to send out a clear message to residents that both of the options outlined in paragraph 7.1 of the report are being considered equally in any continuing conversations with residents.
- The committee urges the democratisation of tenant representation on the Lewisham Homes board as a matter of urgency, by electing rather than selecting tenant Board members, notwithstanding the timescale and result of the Housing Matters consultation.
6.1 Jeff Endean introduced the report. The following key points were noted:
- There was a low understanding amongst residents of the four available options in the consultation
- A majority of those residents who responded preferred retention of the current ALMO.
- There was little appetite amongst residents for transferring ownership to an existing Housing Association
- There were high levels of concern around changes in tenure and rent security under both transfer options
- The report recommends that the options of reinstating Council management of the housing stock and transferring homes to an existing housing association are no longer pursued.
- Furthermore it is recommended that the option of changing the nature of Lewisham Homes with a view to transfer to a new resident led organisation is further pursued as through this option they might attract further investment, increase resident control and deliver resident aspirations.
6.2 In response to questions from members the committee were advised:
- It would be appropriate to involve Lewisham Homes staff in any further consultation activity if the conversation was about changing the nature of the organisation rather than a choice between organisations
- A range of commitments could be built into the transfer agreement including the building of new homes and representation of the Council on the board of a new organisation. These details would need to be explored legally and any updates would be brought back to the Housing Select Committee.
- Moving forward would involve continuing consultation with residents to shape any new organisation that may be formed.
- There is a high level of satisfaction with Lewisham Homes amongst residents but there is also an appreciation of the Council’s priorities and the need for further investment in the housing stock.
- The ongoing costs of any consultation exercise will be supplied to the committee
- Exploring the option to evolve Lewisham Homes does not rule out the option of retaining the Almo in its current from.
- The proposal to build 600 homes should be regarded as an estimate at this stage as a lot of work would be needed before any building work could commence. The priority is to increase investment given the broader financial context.
- It was stressed that the report is not suggesting a ballot at this stage but more time to work with residents to develop ideas for a potential new entity and what it might look like in the future.
- The Council is currently able to discharge its duty to those assessed as homeless in the borough after previous stock transfers.
- There has been consideration of allowing other Housing Associations to build on Council owned land however it was acknowledged that many of the infil sites are small and may not be attractive to other providers
6.3 The committee then discussed the report and the following key points were raised:
- Any further action would require a consultation that was clearer on the options available.
- Electing tenant representatives to the Lewisham Homes Board, notwithstanding the results of any further consultation, would serve as a first step in setting up a resident lead body.
- Concerns were raised over future rents, security of tenure and the ability to deliver on investment given that the Council would be giving up control of the housing stock under the transfer option.
- There is a need to keep the cost of any future consultation as low as possible.
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