Council meetings

Agenda item





That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for an application submitted under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary conditions attached to the planning permission DC/17/104264 dated 14 December 2018 as amended by DC/20/119249 dated 03rd February 2021 for ' The construction of a part three/part four storey building incorporating balconies on vacant land at Church Grove SE13 comprising:


·         self build residential units (Use Class C3) together with community facilities, shared landscaping space, car parking, secure cycle and refuse storage, alterations to access and other associated works;- in order to make the following amendments:


  • Increase the number of dwellings from 33 to 36
  • Increase the maximum height of the building by 450mm
  • Simplify the building form
  • Replace the external and structural combustible materials
  • Associated amendments to landscaping and other works


In addition to providing details to amend the following conditions to compliance conditions:


  • Condition 3- Archaeology;
  • Condition 4- Outline Construction Logistics Management Plan;
  • Condition 10- Tree Protection Plan;
  • Condition 20- Window and Door Reveals;
  • Condition 36- Design Code; and
  • Condition 37- Noise mitigation on Walkways.


Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.



The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for an application submitted under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary conditions attached to the planning permission DC/17/104264 dated 14 December 2018 as amended by DC/20/119249 dated 03rd February 2021 for ' The construction of a part three/part four storey building incorporating balconies on vacant land at Church Grove SE13 comprising self build residential units (Use Class C3) together with community facilities, shared landscaping space, car parking, secure cycle and refuse storage, alterations to access and other associated works;- in order to make the following amendments:


·         Increase the number of dwellings from 33 to 36

·         Increase the maximum height of the building by 450mm

·         Simplify the building form

·         Replace the external and structural combustible materials

·         Associated amendments to landscaping and other works


In addition to providing details to amend the following conditions to compliance conditions:


·         Condition 3- Archaeology;

·         Condition 4- Outline Construction Logistics Management Plan;

·         Condition 10- Tree Protection Plan;

·         Condition 20- Window and Door Reveals;

·         Condition 36- Design Code; and

·         Condition 37- Noise mitigation on Walkways.


The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·         Principle

·         Housing

·         Urban Design

·         Impact on Adjoining Properties

·         Transport Impact

·         Sustainable Development

·         Natural Environment

·         Planning Obligations


The following members’ questions related to: community space, cladding, self-build, units, tenure,

The Officer advised Members the applicant would address concerns related to community space.

Members were advised by the officer, that the applicant would replace the largely timber cladding with fibre cement board, which would last much longer than timber.

The Committee were informed by the Officer that when assessed with planning policy, it was not a requirement for the development to be self-build. It was confirmed that the development was 100% affordable.

The Officer acknowledged the application proposed the removal of a previously approved family dwelling, for a large family. Members were informed the Officer was satisfied the development would provide family dwellings for small families, as recognised by planning guidance.

It was stated by the Officer that planning policy supported the amendments outlined in the application under consideration and that it was important to view the proposed development as a whole.

The Officer provided clarification regarding the distribution of tenure type and unit sizes, as outlined in the officer report.

The Team Leader reiterated and supported the Officers clarification.

The applicant addressed the Committee, advising that 36 homes were to be built for the community by the community. This would result in an increase in affordable homes and a high quality housing scheme. The applicant informed Members the proposed amendment would commence in spring to summer 2021. The applicant stated the development would bring a vacant site back into use for individuals, couples, families and include a communal play area. Members were advised by the applicant that the developer had collaborated with ‘future residents’ and the local authority. The applicant advised the Committee that fire standards had been improved, and that due to various changes, the proposed space would exceed government space standards.

A resident addressed the Committee in support of the application. Members were advised by the resident that the ‘vital amendments’ would result in affordable housing, positive effects on the community in terms of the communal play area by the river and a stronger neighbourhood. The resident concluded it would not be possible for him to afford housing, if it were not for the proposed development.

The following enquiries from Members related to units, children’s space, finance, gates, tenure,

The agent advised the Committee that it was acknowledged that a unit deemed as suitable for disabled residents would be removed if the application under consideration were to be approved. The agent advised that there had been collaboration with the local authority’s Housing Strategy Team and that the local authority fully supported the application. The agent also advised Members that a guest flat would be on the proposed development. The flat would be available to anyone and would be suitable for carers who needed to live in in order to assist disabled residents. The agent also stated there would be communal laundry facilities, an office and other amenities. It was confirmed that the re-cladding would have a 60 year lifespan, which was much longer than the current timber.

During the course of the meeting, several Members expressed concerns relating to the removal of a unit that would have been suitable for a large family, as well as concerns regarding the communal space. Concern was also raised with regard to the viability of the scheme. Several Members felt the current proposal was vastly removed from the original accepted application and the amendments were not minor.

The agent reiterated that the development was fully supported by the local authority and that the community space would not be ‘gated’ but open to all.

The Team Leader and Officer provided clarification with regard to the unit to be removed from the proposed development, the communal space and the schemes viability as outlined in the officer report.

A representative addressed the Committee, on behalf of residents advising the residents were opposed to the proposal due concerns regarding traffic and parking stress, the community hub, proposed amendments, over-looking, scale, height, density, privacy, gates, emergency services, consultation, flood risk, inaccurate daylight and sunlight report submitted, impact on ecology, boundary details and the conservation area.

The Team Leader and Officer provided clarification to the points raised by the representative as outlined in the officer report. The Team Leader advised Members that the area of fire safety was a building control matter and was out of the scope of the current meeting.

The Chair reiterated the Team Leader’s advice and minded Members to assess the application on its own merits.

During the meeting, one Member lost their internet connection several times. They were advised not to vote on the item under consideration. The other Members present confirmed they were present throughout the presentation and discussion of the current application under consideration.

Members voted on the recommendation in the report, with a result of 5 in favour, and 2 against the proposal.




That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for an application submitted under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary conditions attached to the planning permission DC/17/104264 dated 14 December 2018 as amended by DC/20/119249 dated 03rd February 2021 for ' The construction of a part three/part four storey building incorporating balconies on vacant land at Church Grove SE13 comprising self build residential units (Use Class C3) together with community facilities, shared landscaping space, car parking, secure cycle and refuse storage, alterations to access and other associated works;- in order to make the following amendments:


·         Increase the number of dwellings from 33 to 36

·         Increase the maximum height of the building by 450mm

·         Simplify the building form

·         Replace the external and structural combustible materials

·         Associated amendments to landscaping and other works


In addition to providing details to amend the following conditions to compliance conditions:


·         Condition 3- Archaeology;

·         Condition 4- Outline Construction Logistics Management Plan;

·         Condition 10- Tree Protection Plan;

·         Condition 20- Window and Door Reveals;

·         Condition 36- Design Code; and

·         Condition 37- Noise mitigation on Walkways.


The meeting closed at 9.46 pm

Supporting documents: