Council meetings

Agenda item





That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for the demolition of existing double garage and construction of a new outbuilding to the rear of 60 Erlanger Road, SE14.


Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.



The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the demolition of existing double garage and construction of a new outbuilding to the rear of 60 Erlanger Road, SE14.


The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·       Principle of Development

·       Urban Design & Heritage

·       Impact on Adjoining Properties


There were no questions for the Officer from Members.

The agent addressed the Committee. The agent described the development, advising of the applicant’s intention to provide a gym and storage space. The agent also addressed issues such as footprint, height and cladding. With regard to cladding the agent acknowledged the objection from the Telegraph Hill Society (THS). It was advised that following the objection, the applicant had reverted back to the use of brick. In addition, the agent confirmed the roof of the development would be reverted back to slate. The agent also confirmed the outbuilding would be for incidental residential use only and there would be improvements to the appearance of the garden space. The agent stated that in response to the THS objections to the materials, the materials were changed. It was advised as a result the THS withdrew that objection. The agent concluded the current application would improve upon the ‘dilapidated garages’ and should be ‘considered acceptable’.

There were no questions for the agent from Members.

Local residents addressed the Committee. The residents advised Members of their objections to the proposal due to inaccurate drawings. It was felt the drawings were deliberately inaccurate, to the applicants’ advantage, as they reduced the size of the residents’ garden. The residents advised the Committee they had submitted accurate copies of Land Registry plans of the land to Officers prior to the meeting. Members were advised that notations on the Land Registry plans stated no survey had taken place and these notations were removed by Officers when shared with the Committee. The residents stressed their concerns with regard to the footprint of the proposed development.

There were no questions for the residents from Members.

Members made enquiries to the Officer, in regard to: the drawings of the developments boundary, height and legal advice.

The Officer referred to the officer presentation to provide clarification regarding the building location and boundary. The Officer advised the Committee the building would not be any closer to the neighbouring building. The Officer provided further advice on how measurements had been calculated, as outlined in the officers’ report.

The Officer concluded the development would be built on the applicants land.

The Officer confirmed the height of the development, noting it was also pitched away from the neighbour’s house and garden. The Officer assured Members that officers felt the proposal was acceptable.

The legal representative provided further clarification on boundary disputes. It was advised such disputes would be an issue of land ownership. It would be relevant in terms of implementation. However in planning, such consideration could be set aside. This was because planning applications could be granted on land not owned by the applicant.

The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


RESOLVED - unanimously


That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for the demolition of existing double garage and construction of a new outbuilding to the rear of 60 Erlanger Road, SE14.


Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.


The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.

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