Council meetings

Agenda item

2- 2a Morley Road (Inc Reflections & The Glasshouse) London, SE13 6DQ




That planning permission be GRANTED for the construction of an additional storey to the existing buildings at 1-8 The Glass House and 1-8 Reflections House, 2a Morley Road SE13 to provide:


  • 1 three bedroom self-contained unit, together with terrace area and new cycle and refuse stores.


Subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report.




The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the construction of an additional storey to the existing buildings at 1-8 The Glass House and 1-8 Reflections House, 2a Morley Road SE13 to provide 1 three bedroom self-contained unit, together with terrace area and new cycle and refuse stores.

The committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·         Principle of Development

·         Standard of accommodation

·         Urban Design

·         Transport

·         Impact on living conditions of neighbours

·         Sustainable Development


Following members’ enquiries relating to noise increase, availability to Members of officers’ presentations, photographs, plans and, objections received prior to Committee meetings, the Officer advised that it was considered that the creation of an additional storey for a flat would be complementary to the existing residential use in the building and as such, no additional increase in noise and disturbance beyond that expected for the buildings in residential use, was foreseen.

The SGM advised the Committee that going forward, the planning department would make the officers’ presentations, photographs, plans and objections received, available to the Committee members prior to meetings. It was confirmed that details of objections were published in officer reports, however due to data protection law, the exact locations of the objections could not be publicly provided.

The agent, on behalf of the applicant, addressed the Committee reiterating the main points of the Officers report. The agent acknowledged the objections received in relation to damage to the flats below, increased noise and disturbance. It was noted that to minimise these issues, Officers recommended a condition to secure a Construction Management Plan. The agent informed the Committee that, the applicant would be happy to comply with the Officers recommendation and, any further conditions required to mitigate any other potential issues.

A question was raised relating to the expected turnaround, for the application site construction works. The agent advised that this information would be outlined in the Construction Management Plan, to be submitted to the local planning authority for approval.

During the members’ discussion, the potential of noise and disruption due to the site construction works was mentioned by a member and, it was suggested that a condition should be included in the permission to further restrict the construction deliveries and hours. The SMG advised that such a condition could be included in the permission, however this would serve to significantly increase the expected turnaround of the sites construction. The majority of Committee members agreed with the SMGs’ view and proposed to give permission and, keep the current condition as outlined in the report.

Members voted on the recommendation in the report with a result of 8 in favour of the proposal and, 1 abstention.

The Committee




That planning permission be GRANTED for the construction of an additional storey to the existing buildings at 1-8 The Glass House and 1-8 Reflections House, 2a Morley Road SE13 to provide:


·         1 three bedroom self-contained unit, together with terrace area and new cycle and refuse stores.


Subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: