Council meetings

Agenda item

Interludee 12 Leegate London SE12 8SS


in respect of the application made for a Temporary Event Notice for Interludee 12 Leegate SE12 8SS. The application is for the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment on 23 December 2019 from midnight until 1:00hr and for the same activities on 25 December 2019 between midnight and 03:00 hours. The Committee made the determination shown below.

In the matter of the application for the Temporary Event Notice, the Committee considered the relevant representations made.


The Committee made the following determination:


With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for the Temporary Event Notice was GRANTED subject to the current premises licence conditions being applied throughout both events.


 In coming to a determination, the Committee considered the following matters;


1.    The Committee considered the representation made by the Crime, Enforcement and Regulation (CER) officer. The premises operated under a TEN on 15 September 2019. There was an altercation outside the premises and a complaint was received.  Door staff were not on hand to deal with the disturbance and the manager had tried to intervene.


2. The Committee also noted that officers had witness music audible in the surrounding area and patrons were causing noise congregating outside. The front door was not being supervised.


3     The Committee considered the representation made by the applicants. As a result of the issues raised by CER officers following the event on 15 September, the entrance has been moved to the back of the premises where there are two doors. This has helped the egress of patrons, particularly in the early hours of the morning.


4.   The Committee noted that the applicants had addressed the issues raised by CER officers and there have not been any problems since September 2019.


5. The Committee considered that the granting of the variation of the licence would uphold the four licensing objectives.



4.1      The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She then invited Ms Spall to introduce the application.


            Licensing Officer   


4.2      Ms Spall said that members were being asked to consider this application for two temporary Event Notices (TEN) for the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment on 23 December 2019 and 25 December for Interludee 12 Leegate SE12 8SS. She outlined the hours of activities at the ‘live performance night’ and ‘xmas eve party respectively’.   The Crime, Enforcement and Regulation team had objected to the application in relation to the licensing objective of prevention of public nuisance.


4.3      Ms Spall outlined the steps open to members when making their decision.




4.4      Mr Lockett said that Interludee previously operated under a Temporary Event Notice on 15 September 2019, to open an hour later until 3am. Following this event there was an altercation outside the premises on the public square which led to a complaint being received by the Crime, Enforcement and Regulation (CER) service. A review of CCTV showed that door staff were not available to deal with this disturbance and the applicant had tried to intervene himself.


4.5      Officers had visited the premises earlier in the evening following a complaint regarding noise and discovered that music was audible in the surrounding area and patrons were also causing noise nuisance as they congregated outside.


4.6      During the visit, the front door of the premises were not being supervised by door staff, amplified music was escaping from the premises. Following discussions between officers and door staff, all patrons were ushered inside and the front door was managed.


4.7      In a subsequent meeting with the applicant, regarding the disturbance outside, it was made clear that any future TENs for the foreseeable future would more than likely be objected to. The applicant reassured CER, Police and Licensing officers that there would be new door staff employed at the premises and that they would be fully versed in the need to have patrons moved on from the area swiftly and quietly.


4.8      Whilst there had not been any further issues since this meeting in September 2019, the CER team did not have sufficient confidence in the management of the premises. Officers had concerns regarding the capability of the management to prevent public nuisance, particularly in terms of dispersal, in the run up to Christmas, It was for this reason that officers had made an objection. If members were minded to approve the temporary events, Mr Lockett suggested that the current premises licence conditions be applied throughout both events.


4.9      Councillor Elliott asked whether door staff are SIA accredited. Mr Golding confirmed that staff are fully accredited.


4.10    The Chair asked about the discussions Mr Lockett had with Mr Golding. Mr Lockett confirmed that discussions had been good. The main issue identified at the September event had been patrons congregating on the square in front of the premises. He said that it is difficult to manage and disperse the crowd because they tend to linger in the open space. At the event in September 2019, a fight broke out but this was not a common occurrence.       


4.11    Councillor Elliott was advised that there would not be a risk assessment for the temporary events.




4.12    Mr Golding said that in September 2019 they had a licence extension until 3am. There had not been any issues since then and they had hosted some big nights. They had managed the premises for 2 years, and following discussions with CER officers they had addressed the problems identified in September 2019. The bar/restaurant has a capacity of 100 and the events would be free.


4.13    Councillor Elliott asked how management had addressed the problems of dispersal of patrons. Mr Golding said that because of the square at the front, dispersal is now at the back of the premises. There are more exits which breaks up the crowds.


 4.14   Members of the Committee then withdrew to make their decision. When they           returned it was:


RESOLVED thatthe application be GRANTED and the current premises licence conditions be applied throughout both events.


   4.15    Ms. Spall said that an appeal may be made against this decision to the Magistrates Court within 21 days from the date of the decision letter which would be sent out within 5 days of the meeting.




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