Council meetings

Agenda item

Mayow Park Warehouse, Mayow Road, LONDON, SE23 2XJ




That full planning permission be GRANTED for the demolition of an existing two (2) storey warehouse to allow for the construction of one (1) part six/part seven storey building containing thirty-two (32) dwellings, comprised of:


           twenty-six (26) Temporary Accommodation dwellings (Use Class C3) and six (6) Supported Living dwellings (Use Class C2) at Mayow Park Warehouse, Mayow Road, SE23 2XJ, together with the provision of two (2) accessible parking bays on Mayow Road, associated landscaping, refuse storage and cycle parking, subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report.



The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the demolition of an existing two (2) storey warehouse to allow for the construction of one (1) part six/part seven storey building containing thirty-two (32) dwellings, comprised of twenty-six (26) Temporary Accommodation dwellings (Use Class C3) and six (6) Supported Living dwellings (Use Class C2) at Mayow Park Warehouse, Mayow Road, SE23 2XJ, together with the provision of two (2) accessible parking bays on Mayow Road, associated landscaping, refuse storage and cycle parking.

The DMTL advised the Committee that Councillor Chris Best had provided a late submission to the Committee representing her Ward, Sydenham speaking in favour of the recommendation. The Committee noted Councillor Best’s submission.

The committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·         Principle of Development

·         Housing

·         Specialist Residential Uses

·         Urban Design

·         Transport Impact

·         Impact on Adjoining Properties

·         Sustainable Development

·         Natural Environment


Following members’ enquiries relating to parking, pedestrian safety, children’s play area and shared amenities, the Officer confirmed that an independent parking survey was undertaken to assess the existing parking stress on the public highway surrounding the application site. The results of the survey confirmed that there is capacity on-street to accommodate the parking demand generated by the development proposals. The site does not support vehicular access and the proposal is for car-free development, however two (2) Wheelchair parking bays are proposed on Mayow Road to support the Supported Living element of the proposal. The Officer advised that improvement works would be carried out to the pedestrian crossing point at the Mayow Road/Dacres Road junction to improve accessibility, calm traffic and reduce vehicle speeds.

The Officer also stated that all Temporary Accommodation would meet or exceed the required private amenity space and the Supported Living element would provide a significant area of external private amenity space. However owing to the constraints of the site, no play space would be provided. The site did adjoin Mayow Park, which had a play area, outdoor gym, nature reserve, café, tennis and cricket facilities), considered to be a convenient and appropriate alternative to providing onsite play space provision. The Officer confirmed that adequate public consultation was undertaken.

The DMTL advised the Committee that the proposal would support six (6) Supported Living flats (Use Class C2) and twenty-six (26) Temporary Accommodation dwellings (Use Class C3) which would provide new high quality Temporary Accommodation for local homeless families in the borough, provide high quality Supported Living accommodation for adults who have learning difficulty and/or autism. The DMTL confirmed that the design carefully considered the needs of the existing and future residents and neighbours. There was no promotion of any vulnerable individual accommodation or those with any drug/alcohol dependency.

The agent on behalf of the applicant, addressed the Committee describing the housing crisis, population growth, and the council’s efforts to provide housing. The applicant described the site application with emphasis on the enhancements proposed relating to massing, open space, outlook and privacy, green spaces and trees, design and brickwork. The applicant advised the Committee they also intended to ensure supported living was in the ideal location.

Following members’ enquiries relating to carbon reduction, energy efficiency, wheelchair accessible properties and electric charging points, the agent advised that the applicant had met the local authority’s needs and requirements. The agent also confirmed the bicycle provision was at ground level, and that a ramp would be provided in the bike store. The agent advised with regard to wheelchair accessible units, that their client had met the needs and requirements of the local authority. The agent advised that electric charge points was a provision the applicant would be keen to provide, and address in the future.

A resident addressed the Committee, advising that she was representing the immediate neighbours to the application site. Residents were opposed to the proposal because of concerns relating to disruption, safety and security, design, parking and traffic, impact on surrounding buildings, sustainability, consultation and antisocial behaviour.

The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and




That planning permission be GRANTED for the demolition of an existing two (2) storey warehouse to allow for the construction of one (1) part six/part seven storey building containing thirty-two (32) dwellings, comprised of:


·         twenty-six (26) Temporary Accommodation dwellings (Use Class C3) and six (6) Supported Living dwellings (Use Class C2) at Mayow Park Warehouse, Mayow Road, SE23 2XJ, together with the provision of two (2) accessible parking bays on Mayow Road, associated landscaping, refuse storage and cycle parking, subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report.


Supporting documents: