Having considered an officer report and presentations by the Cabinet Member
for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Chair of the
Public Accounts Select Committee, Councillor Jim Mallory, the Chair of the
Audit Panel, Councillor Alan Hall and three members of the public, the Mayor
and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the progress with identifying budget cuts, the £7.6m shortfall against the
target for 2019/20, and the implications for the use of reserves, be noted
(2) following review and having taken into account the written views of the
Select Committees and the representations made at the meeting the following
decisions be made on the new cuts proposals presented in Section 9 and
Appendices 1 to 4, which initially totalled £20.9m:
CYP1, CYP2 and CYP3 – approved, noting the comments of the select
committee and officers asked to report back to the select committee on
progress with their delivery.
CYP4 – approved
CYP5 – approved noting the comments of the select committee and officers to
report back to the select committee on progress with their delivery.
CYP6 – the comments from the select committee were noted and officers
progress with consultation on this proposal and decision delegated to the
relevant Executive Director to take the decision on receipt of a full report at
the earliest opportunity.
CYP7 – the comments of the select committee were noted. As this is a Year 2
cut, the cut was noted in principle, and ask officers to undertake a review and
bring back options to Mayor & Cabinet as part of the 2020-2021 budget.
COM1 and COM 2 – note the comments of the select committee on these
cuts, and delegate to the relevant Executive Director to take the decision on
receipt of a full report at the earliest opportunity.
COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6 and COM7 – delegate these cuts to the
relevant Executive Director to take the decisions on receipt of a full report at
the earliest opportunity.
COM8 – approved
COM9 - I note the comments of the select committee on this cut and propose
that we delegate to the relevant Executive Director to take the decision on
receipt of a full report at the earliest opportunity.
COM10 – officers to progress with consultation on this proposal, and a full
report be brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at the earliest
opportunity. Comments of the select committee on this cut noted and officers
asked to introduce an online form to enable residents to report noise nuisance
in a more effective way.
COM11 – This cut is withdrawn and officers asked to undertake a feasibility
study of redeveloping Lewisham Library to be brought back to Mayor &
Cabinet as part of the 2020-2021 budget.
COM12, COM14 and COM17 – note these cuts in principle and ask officers to
progress with consultations on these proposals, bringing a full report be
brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision in early 2019 before a final
determination on the amount of funding to be allocated.
COM13 – to vary this cut as follows: That People’s Day takes place every 2
years and that funding for Blackheath Fireworks be maintained to enable us to
seek alternative funding streams, including talking to neighbouring boroughs.
COM15 – approved
COM16 - officers should progress with consultation on this cut and delegate
to the relevant Executive Director to take the decision on receipt of a full
report at the earliest opportunity.
CUS1 - approved
CUS2 – approved, noting the comments of the select committee and officers
be asked to report back to the select committee on progress with delivery.
CUS3 – note the comments of the select committee on this cut. and officers
be asked to progress with consultation on this proposal, and a full report be
brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at the earliest opportunity and
that this include an update on plans for the events as they evolve to meet the
ambitious targets.
CUS4, CUS5 and CUS6 - approved, noting the comments of the select
committee and officers be asked to report back to the select committee on
progress with their delivery.
CUS7 - note the comments of the select committee on this cut. As this is a
Year 2 cut, the cut be noted in principle, and officers be asked to undertake a
pilot to investigate the impact and come back to Mayor & Cabinet with options
as part of the 2020-2021 budget.
CUS8 - officers be asked to progress with consultation on this proposal, and a
full report, including information on alternative toilet provision, particularly at
evenings and weekends be brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at
the earliest opportunity.
CUS9 and CUS10 -approved
CUS11 - officers should progress with consultation on this cut and the
relevant Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on receipt of a
full report at the earliest opportunity.
CUS12, CUS13 and CUS14 - approved
RES1 – officers should progress with consultation on this cut and the relevant
Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on receipt of a full report
at the earliest opportunity.
RES2 – approved
RES3 and RES4 - officers should progress with consultation on these cuts
and the relevant Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on
receipt of a full report at the earliest opportunity.
RES5 - approved
RES6 - officers should progress with consultation on this cut and the relevant
Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on receipt of a full report
at the earliest opportunity.
RES7, RES8, RES9, RES10, RES11, RES12, RES13, RES14 and RES15 –
RES16 – officers be asked to progress this cut and that a full report be
brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at the earliest opportunity.
RES17 – approved and officers asked to monitor plans for the events as they
RES18 – approved and officers asked to work with councillors to identify the
most appropriate locations for the electric vehicle charging points
RES19 – the referral from the select committee on this cut be noted. As this is
a Year 2 cut, officers asked to undertake a full review of the school crossing
service and bring back options to Mayor & Cabinet as part of the 2020-2021
budget that consider child safety, air quality implications and the opportunity
for capital investment.
(3) the comments of the Public Accounts Select Committee of the 7
November 2018, which incorporated the views of the respective select
committees, be noted
(4) officers be authorised to carry out consultations where staff consultation is
necessary in relation to the proposal and delegate the decision to the relevant
Executive Director for the service concerned;
(5) officers be authorised to carry out consultations where public consultation
is necessary in relation to the proposal and ask officers to report back to the
Mayor with the outcome, for a decision to be made;
(6) Where no consultation is required:
agree the cut proposal, or
return for decision with full report, or
delegate the decision to the relevant Executive Director for the service
concerned; and
(7) Or, request officers to complete further work to clarify the proposal and
that officers then re-submit the proposal at the earliest opportunity for a
The item was presented by the Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs,
Councillor Amanda De Ryk. She highlighted the savings that still needed to be
made in coming years which would come in the context of a succession of
austerity budgets which had wiped £200M from the Council’s annual budget.
Councillor Jim Mallory presented the consolidated views of all the Select
Committees which had been endorsed by the Public Accounts Select
Committee. He pointed out many of the comments related to inadequate
Equalities Impact Assessments or unspecified timeframes.
Councillor Mallory highlighted concerns on the following cuts:
RES 19 school crossing patrols
CUS 7 the frequency reduction of road sweeping owing to the
environmental impact and reputational risk given the disproportionate impact
on lowly paid workers
COM ? Option 1 was considered to be a non starter
COM 12 it was felt savings COM 1 & 2 would mean an increased
demand on the voluntary sector which was facing a substantial cut with this
COM 14 &17 a fairer formula for the distribution of CIL was called for
COM 10 the view that the impact on CCTV should be re viewed was
Councillor Alan Hall, the Chair of the Audit Panel, said he was also
representing UNITE in supporting the Save Lewisham Libraries Campaign.
He raised concern on the impact of cuts in the Bellingham Ward which had
recently witnessed the murder of a fifteen year old boy on Randlesdown
Road. He said the saving of £38k on CCTV could not be supported in the
overall budget context. He also echoed the call of Lewisham Trades Council
that there should be no compulsory redundancies and said this could be
achieved by the use of reserves in a sustainable way.
Caroline Jupp of the Save Lewisham Libraries Campaign next addressed the
Cabinet. She said she welcomed the previous days announcement to
suspend the library cuts pending a study of a possible rebuilding of Lewisham
Library. However she now had a number of concerns relating to the rebuilding
feasibility study. These related to the length of the suspension of service, the
terms of consultation, guarantees on staffing and concerns on why the
rebuilding option had previously been dismissed in a consultation document.
Caroline Jupp was joined by Dr Alice Corble who noted the library proposals
had changed three times in three months but was grateful that a new direction
was being followed. She asked for further information on the estimated
timelines for development, an Equalities Impact Assessment, access to
Lewisham Archives during relocation, a feasibility study including proposed
financial planning, the input of any private developer, the use of reserves to
fund any shortfall and communications about any new service.
Mark Drinkwater next addressed the Cabinet. He reiterated comments made
by Councillor Mallory that the voluntary sector, itself facing cuts, would also be
expected to take up the slack arising from other cuts. He highlighted cut CYP
6 which also had the potential to see the voluntary sector lose funding. He
recognised that the Council needed to save vast sums of money but argued a
sustained voluntary sector would be better placed to deliver services.
In summing up and proposing the detailed recommendations shown below,
the Mayor made it clear that what was reluctantly being proposed was a cuts
budget required because of austerity measures enforced by central
Government. He confirmed that Lewisham was a supporter of the national
‘Breaking Point’ campaign.
Having considered an officer report and presentations by the Cabinet Member
for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Chair of the
Public Accounts Select Committee, Councillor Jim Mallory, the Chair of the
Audit Panel, Councillor Alan Hall and three members of the public, the Mayor
and Cabinet, having considered all representations made to them, from the options available, by a 7-0 vote:
(1) the progress with identifying budget cuts, the £7.6m shortfall against the
target for 2019/20, and the implications for the use of reserves, be noted;
(2) following review and having taken into account the written views of the
Select Committees and the representations made at the meeting the following
decisions be made on the new cuts proposals presented in Section 9 and
Appendices 1 to 4, which initially totalled £20.9m:
CYP1, CYP2 and CYP3 – approved, noting the comments of the select
committee and officers asked to report back to the select committee on
progress with their delivery.
CYP4 – approved.
CYP5 – approved noting the comments of the select committee and officers to
report back to the select committee on progress with their delivery.
CYP6 – the comments from the select committee were noted and officers
progress with consultation on this proposal and decision delegated to the
relevant Executive Director to take the decision on receipt of a full report at
the earliest opportunity.
CYP7 – the comments of the select committee were noted. As this is a Year 2
cut, the cut was noted in principle, and ask officers to undertake a review and
bring back options to Mayor & Cabinet as part of the 2020-2021 budget.
COM1 and COM 2 – note the comments of the select committee on these
cuts, and delegate to the relevant Executive Director to take the decision on
receipt of a full report at the earliest opportunity.
COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6 and COM7 – delegate these cuts to the
relevant Executive Director to take the decisions on receipt of a full report at
the earliest opportunity.
COM8 – approved
COM9 - I note the comments of the select committee on this cut and propose
that we delegate to the relevant Executive Director to take the decision on
receipt of a full report at the earliest opportunity.
COM10 – officers to progress with consultation on this proposal, and a full
report be brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at the earliest
opportunity. Comments of the select committee on this cut noted and officers
asked to introduce an online form to enable residents to report noise nuisance
in a more effective way.
COM11 – This cut is withdrawn and officers asked to undertake a feasibility
study of redeveloping Lewisham Library to be brought back to Mayor &
Cabinet as part of the 2020-2021 budget.
COM12, COM14 and COM17 – note these cuts in principle and ask officers to
progress with consultations on these proposals, bringing a full report be
brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision in early 2019 before a final
determination on the amount of funding to be allocated.
COM13 – to vary this cut as follows: That People’s Day takes place every 2
years and that funding for Blackheath Fireworks be maintained to enable us to
seek alternative funding streams, including talking to neighbouring boroughs.
COM15 – approved
COM16 - officers should progress with consultation on this cut and delegate
to the relevant Executive Director to take the decision on receipt of a full
report at the earliest opportunity.
CUS1 - approved
CUS2 – approved, noting the comments of the select committee and officers
be asked to report back to the select committee on progress with delivery.
CUS3 – note the comments of the select committee on this cut. and officers
be asked to progress with consultation on this proposal, and a full report be
brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at the earliest opportunity and
that this include an update on plans for the events as they evolve to meet the
ambitious targets.
CUS4, CUS5 and CUS6 - approved, noting the comments of the select
committee and officers be asked to report back to the select committee on
progress with their delivery.
CUS7 - note the comments of the select committee on this cut. As this is a
Year 2 cut, the cut be noted in principle, and officers be asked to undertake a
pilot to investigate the impact and come back to Mayor & Cabinet with options
as part of the 2020-2021 budget.
CUS8 - officers be asked to progress with consultation on this proposal, and a
full report, including information on alternative toilet provision, particularly at
evenings and weekends be brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at
the earliest opportunity.
CUS9 and CUS10 -approved
CUS11 - officers should progress with consultation on this cut and the
relevant Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on receipt of a
full report at the earliest opportunity.
CUS12, CUS13 and CUS14 - approved
RES1 – officers should progress with consultation on this cut and the relevant
Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on receipt of a full report
at the earliest opportunity.
RES2 – approved
RES3 and RES4 - officers should progress with consultation on these cuts
and the relevant Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on
receipt of a full report at the earliest opportunity.
RES5 - approved
RES6 - officers should progress with consultation on this cut and the relevant
Executive Director be delegated to take the decision on receipt of a full report
at the earliest opportunity.
RES7, RES8, RES9, RES10, RES11, RES12, RES13, RES14 and RES15 –
RES16 – officers be asked to progress this cut and that a full report be
brought back to Mayor & Cabinet for decision at the earliest opportunity.
RES17 – approved and officers asked to monitor plans for the events as they
RES18 – approved and officers asked to work with councillors to identify the
most appropriate locations for the electric vehicle charging points
RES19 – the referral from the select committee on this cut be noted. As this is
a Year 2 cut, officers asked to undertake a full review of the school crossing
service and bring back options to Mayor & Cabinet as part of the 2020-2021
budget that consider child safety, air quality implications and the opportunity
for capital investment.
(3) the comments of the Public Accounts Select Committee of the 7
November 2018, which incorporated the views of the respective select
committees, be noted
(4) officers be authorised to carry out consultations where staff consultation is
necessary in relation to the proposal and delegate the decision to the relevant
Executive Director for the service concerned;
(5) officers be authorised to carry out consultations where public consultation
is necessary in relation to the proposal and ask officers to report back to the
Mayor with the outcome, for a decision to be made;
(6) Where no consultation is required:
agree the cut proposal, or
return for decision with full report, or
delegate the decision to the relevant Executive Director for the service
concerned; and
(7) Or, request officers to complete further work to clarify the proposal and
that officers then re-submit the proposal at the earliest opportunity for a
Supporting documents: