It was moved by the Councillor Mallory hair and duly seconded by Councillor
Moore that members be appointed to serve on committees as listed below.
The motion was declared carried and it was:
RESOLVED that members be appointed to serve on committees, as
indicated, for the municipal year 2018/19.
Council Chair (1)
Councillor Jacq Paschoud |
Council Vice-Chair (1)
Councillor Andre Bourne |
Planning Committee (A) (10)
Councillor Skip Amrani (Catford S) (Chair) Councillor Octavia Holland (Lee Green) (Vice-Chair) Councillor Peter Bernards (Forest Hill) Councillor Juliet Campbell (Blackheath) Councillor Liam Curran (Sydenham) Councillor Mark Ingleby (Whitefoot) Councillor Paul Maslin (New Cross) Councillor Jacq Paschoud (Bellingham) Councillor Luke Sorba (Telegraph Hill) Councillor James Walsh (Rushey Green)
Planning Committee (B) (10)
Councillor Suzannah Clarke (Grove Park) (Chair) Councillor Tom Copley (Sydenham) (V-Chair) Councillor Jimi Adefiranye (Brockley) Councillor Tauseef Anwar (Crofton Park) Councillor Andre Bourne (Downham) Councillor Liz Johnston Franklin (Ladywell) Councillor Silvana Kelleher (Evelyn) Councillor John Muldoon (Rushey Green) Councillor John Paschoud (Perry Vale) Councillor James Rathbone (Lee Green)
Planning Committee (C) (10)
Councillor Olurotimi Ogunbadewa (Downham) (Chair) Councillor Stephen Penfold (Brockley) (Vice-Chair) Councillor Bill Brown (Ladywell) Councillor Aisling Gallagher (Lewisham Central) Councillor Leo Gibbons (Forest Hill) Councillor Louise Krupski (Rushey Green) Councillor Jim Mallory (Lee Green) Councillor Hilary Moore (Grove Park) Councillor Sakina Sheikh (Perry Vale) Councillor Alan Smith (Catford South)
Strategic Planning Committee (9)
Councillor John Paschoud (Chair) Councillor Alan Smith (Vice-Chair) Councillor Skip Amrani Councillor Paul Bell Councillor Suzannah Clarke Councillor Olurotimi Ogunbadewa Councillor Joani Reid Councillor James Walsh Councillor Bill Brown
Licensing (inc Supplementary) Committee (10)
Councillor Eva Stamirowski (Chair) Councillor Colin Elliot (Vice-Chair) Councillor Patrick Codd Councillor Alex Feis-Bryce Councillor Alan Hall Councillor Sue Hordijenko Councillor Coral Howard Councillor Caroline Kalu Councillor Joan Millbank Councillor Susan Wise
Appointments Panel (8)
Councillor Jacq Paschoud Councillor Jimi Adefiranye Councillor Octavia Holland Councillor Liz Johnston Franklin Councillor Bill Brown Councillor Alan Smith Councillor Kevin Bonavia Councillor De Ryk |
Appointments Committee (5) |
Councillor Bill Brown 2 Cabinet Members 2 other Councillors - to be advised |
Pensions Investment Committee (8)
Councillor Mark Ingleby (Chair) Councillor Louise Krupski (Vice-Chair) Councillor Alex Feis-Bryce Councillor Paul Maslin Councillor Patrick Codd Councillor Chris Best Councillor Sakina Sheikh Councillor John Muldoon
Health & Safety Committee (6)
Councillor Caroline Kalu (Chair) Councillor Silvana Kelleher (Vice-Chair) Councillor Peter Bernhards Councillor Aisling Gallagher Councillor Coral Howard Councillor Paul Maslin
Elections Committee (6)
Councillor James Rathbone (Chair) Councillor John Paschoud (Vice-Chair) Councillor Kevin Bonavia Councillor Peter Bernards Councillor Jacq Paschoud Councillor Stephen Penfold
Standards Committee (16)
Councillor Jimi Adefiranye (Chair) Councillor Caroline Kalu (Vice-Chair) Councillor Peter Bernards Councillor Andre Bourne Councillor Bill Brown Councillor Colin Elliott Councillor Alex Feis-Bryce Councillor Jim Mallory Councillor Joan Millbank Councillor Hilary Moore Cathy Sullivan Gill Butler David Roper Newman Leslie Thomas Fasil Bhatti Joy Walton
Council Urgency Committee (6)
Councillor Jacq Paschoud (Chair) Councillor Chris Best (Vice-Chair) Councillor Kevin Bonavia Councillor Bill Brown Councillor Andre Bourne Councillor James Rathbone
Constitution Working Party (6)
Councillor Kevin Bonavia (Chair) Councillor Alan Smith (Vice-Chair) Councillor Jimi Adefiranye Councillor Jim Mallory Councillor Susan Wise Councillor Bill Brown
Audit Panel (6 plus 4 co-optees)
Councillor Alan Hall (Chair) Councillor Mark Ingleby (Vice-Chair) Councillor Louise Krupski Councillor Paul Maslin Councillor Joan Millbank Councillor James Rathbone Ian Pleace Stephen Warren Carole Murray 1 vacancy
Overview & Scrutiny Committee (all 44 non executive councillors)
Councillor Bill Brown (Chair) Councillor Juliet Campbell(Vice-Chair)
Supporting documents: