Council meetings

Agenda item



The Presenting Officer outlined the details of the proposal for the demolition of one (1) existing single storey garage block comprised of eleven (11) garages and a screen wall at Crossway Court, Endwell Road SE4 2NE and the construction of a part three/part four storey building to provide nine (9) residential units comprised of 5 x 3 bed, 2 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed self contained units, together with landscaping, refuse, sixteen (16) secure cycle parks and nine (9) car parks.


The Presenting Officer outlines that the application site is adjacent to the Telegraph Hill Conservation Area. The Presenting Officer also highlights that the standard of accommodation proposed is unobjectionable and that all of the proposed units would be for social rent. The Presenting Officer explained that three objections were received as well as an objection from the Telegraph Hill Society.


Councillor Paschoud asked the presenting Officer the reasoning behind the proposed flat roof and whether solar panels are proposed on the roofs. The Presenting Officer clarified that the proposal was designed to be a contemporary block and that a flat roof would reduce the bulk of the building. The Presenting Officer stated that the requirement for solar panels could be conditioned if this was proposed by members.


The Committee received verbal representations from Philip Harvey of PCKO Architects and Kelvin Barker of Lewisham Homes. It was outlined that the proposal is a part of Lewisham Homes programme to deliver 500 new homes for social rent, that five of the proposed units family sized and that all units would be for social rent. Philip Harvey further outlined that the design had been amended in response to consultation by reducing the number of units, amending the cycle storage and the provision of living roofs. Kelvin Baker outlined that all of the proposed units would be for social rent, that all of the proposed units comply all standards and that the units would be allocated to residents on the housing waiting list. Kelvin Barker also outlined that Lewisham Homes has a requirement for contractors to liaise with residents throughout the construction process.


Councillor Sorba asked for clarification on the amended cycle storage. Philip Harvey stated that in response to consultation, the access to the cycle storage was amended so that it can be accessed from the front of the property and confirmed that 16 spaces would be provided.


Councillor Jacca asked whether solar panels have been considered. Philip Harvey responded that both green roofs and solar panels cannot be proposed, and that green roofs were preferred as to improve the energy efficiency of the building.


Councillor Clarke (Chair) asked for clarification on what would happen to the mature trees that are existing on the site. Philip Harvey confirmed that from the group of five trees, two would be removed and that smaller tress are proposed in the new planting.


Councillor Bernards asked whether any of the proposed car parking spaces are disabled. Philip Harvey confirmed that one space would be disabled.


The Committee received verbal representations from Malcolm Bacchus of the Telegraph Hill Society. Malcolm Bacchus outlined that his comments are in regards to DM Policy 36 and that the proposal has a negative impact on the conservation area.  Malcolm Bacchus further outlined that the proposed buildings are plainer than those in the conservation area, the window patterns does not complement the conservation area, the proposal does not include a pitched roof and the design is not good enough for a conservation area.


No questions were put to the objector by members.


Councillor Sorba asked for clarification on the existing trees on the site. Councillor Clarke confirmed that two mature trees would be removed. Councillor Sorba also asked for clarification on whether the policy is interpreted differently as the application site is adjacent to a conservation area. The Presenting Officer clarified that the setting of the conservation area still has to be considered and that the Council’s Conservation Officer has not objected to the application.


Councillor Hooks moved a motion to accept the officer’s recommendation, it was seconded by Councillor Bernards.


Members voted as follows:

FOR: Councillors Hooks, Bernards, Sorba and Jacca.

Abstained: Councillors Clarke, Paschoud and Hordijenko.

RESOLVED: That the application DC/17/105055 be approved.


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