Council meetings

Agenda item

Gypsy and Traveller Site Local Plan Update


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, 3 tabled written

representations and presentations by a Bellingham Ward Member and by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor agreed that:


(1) the contents of the Consultation Statement (October 2017), including the

main issues raised and officer response to them and the findings of the

Integrated Impact Assessment (March 2018) be noted;


(2) the commercially sensitive information contained in Part 2 in relation to the

comparative costs of providing six pitches on the potential Pool Court and

New Cross Sites be noted;


(3) the Pool Court site as the preferred location for a residential traveller site

be approved;


(4) Approve the following documents be approved for statutory public


GTSLP Preferred Site Consultation Report ( Appendix 3)

Integrated Impact Assessment (March 2018) (Appendix 2).


(5) officers be instructed to seek the acquisition of the eastern land parcel

from Network Rail.


(6) the assistance that the Council could give to the existing business to help

it relocate to a suitable alternative site be noted; and


(7) the Council be requested to approve the two documents specified above

for public consultation.


The report was introduced by the Deputy Mayor who explained that the

nomination of Pool Court as the preferred site was the culmination of a

lengthy process that had included the examination of 780 possible sites. He

said that while the decision was finely balanced, it was the outcome desired

by the representatives of the Gypsy and Traveller community.


The Head of Planning referred to three late representations which had been

tabled at the meeting. These were from Pat Fordham MBE of Bellingham

Interagency, Louise Menard and Rosalyn Payne of the Moremead Green

Community Group and a joint letter from Councillors Muldoon and Walsh and

Mrs L Krupski. All opposed the Pool Court site. The Head of Planning stated a

wide range of issues were raised in the representations but that all had been

addressed in the report and the recommendation was still valid.


Local Ward Member, Councillor Alan Hall next addressed the Mayor. He said

he was in support of the late representations and that as an advocate for the

local community he had to express deep concern about the recommendation

of Pool Court as the preferred site. He suggested a specialist consultation be

undertaken given what he considered to be the low public response to

consultation undertaken hitherto.


In response the Mayor had the Head of Planning outline the consultation

process which had resulted in 177 online comments, 48 letters and a 433

signature petition. She stated the use of public notices, advertisement in local

papers and meetings with local organisations went beyond usual consultation

obligations. She also explained the lengthy Local Plan process which would

involve a further 6 week consultation period and an Examination in Public.


The Mayor observed that the process had begun in 2009 and while progress

could now be made there was still a long way to go before matters could be

concluded. He believed all relevant issues had been addressed and he was

willing to support the officer recommendation.


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, 3 tabled written

representations and presentations by a Bellingham Ward Member and by the

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor, from the options available,




(1) the contents of the Consultation Statement (October 2017), including the

main issues raised and officer response to them and the findings of the

Integrated Impact Assessment (March 2018) be noted;


(2) the commercially sensitive information contained in Part 2 in relation to the

comparative costs of providing six pitches on the potential Pool Court and

New Cross Sites be noted;


(3) the Pool Court site as the preferred location for a residential traveller site

be approved;


(4) Approve the following documents be approved for statutory public


GTSLP Preferred Site Consultation Report ( Appendix 3)

Integrated Impact Assessment (March 2018) (Appendix 2).


(5) officers be instructed to seek the acquisition of the eastern land parcel

from Network Rail.


(6) the assistance that the Council could give to the existing business to help

it relocate to a suitable alternative site be noted; and


(7) the Council be requested to approve the two documents specified above

for public consultation.

Supporting documents: