Council meetings

Agenda item

Corporate Health and Safety Team Update




































































































Mr Austin said that the summary reports of directorate statistics relate to internal matters and there had been a 40% drop in the number of incidents in the last period mainly in schools. In part it relates to some issues over the summer logging in to the system. This system logged staff out for a while.  Officers are now in the process of upgrading the system as part of the technology ‘Refresh’. It is a vulnerability because at present there are only two people who have the password and if they are not at work, the system cannot be reset. Officers are aware of this risk and it will be part of the Office / 365 and SharePoint upgrade.


Mr Austin said that some union members undertook a walk-through of the Town Hall Chambers complex with the Mayor and Councillor Bonavia. The lifts had not been working and there were some queries about the café and theatre. Actions were suggested and are in hand. There will be a follow up visit to ensure that all the suggested work has been done.


Mr Austin said that the front of Laurence House has been closed. Temporary access to the building for public and officers had been made.  Some union members have reviewed the site arrangements. There have been evacuations for visitors from the library and Access Point and for officers out of the main door. This had been successful. Work would be on going until Christmas. Ms Dart confirmed that works in Laurence House were on schedule. Mr Austin said that there had been a couple of false fire alarms due to the works, as well as two planned fire drills. All had been well executed. 


Councillor Bell asked whether there had been an in depth check for asbestos in Laurence House. Mr Austin said that it is a relatively new building and so asbestos was not used in the construction. Ms Dart said that all Lewisham Council buildings have an asbestos register.


Councillor Bell referred to page 9 on the agenda and asked why the level of some types of incident had risen in customer services in the last period. Mr Austin said that in moving the Housing service from Eros House to the Access Point, officers reviewed levels of abuse from the public and how they were recorded by different teams. When the two services came together, some differences were noted and staff were advised that bad behaviour, while occurring, is not right and should not be tolerated.  All staff are encouraged to record and report any abuse they experience. The figures have gone up because staff are encouraged to ensure that they flag up unacceptable incidents. There have also been two serious incidents.


Over the summer, Customer Services spent a whole day for all their management team on the issues of violence and aggression, what might be the causes and techniques to manage it, because this is considered to be their biggest risk from members of the public in reception areas. The discussion captured views about whether officers were comfortable with the level of training and support they had from management. Training is still available for new or current staff if needed. He said that there are no direct comparisons of statistics with other councils but some level of bad behaviour is to be expected because of the stressful nature of business being conducted; for example, lack of money and risk of homelessness.


Mr Austin did not know why the figures for slips and trips and manual handling had increased but would check and advise members accordingly.


The Chair asked what the main factor was for verbal abuse and threatening behaviour in a client. Mr Austin said he thought it is usually when they are told that they are not eligible or entitled to a service. Particularly services that are the last resort for the client like no recourse to public funds or temporary accommodation.  The clients may have nowhere else to turn and so may vent their frustration on officers.


The Chair asked whether Lewisham have seen any effect of Universal Credit. Mr Austin said he was not aware that there had been any significant change because Lewisham are still in the early stages of signing people up as part of the process of rolling it out.  Nationally rent arrears are becoming longer because of delayed payments.


The Chair asked for a report to be submitted to the next meeting of this Committee on the Council’s universal credit roll out as far as it has gone and its implications from a Health and Safety point of view. He said that there could be a massive increase in verbal abuse.


Ms Knappett said that she had recently attended a meeting of children and young people health and safety group. The fact that the system had been down in schools was considered but it was agreed that most schools had at least started on re-uploading data.































































































RESOLVED that the report be noted and the action outlined above be undertaken by appropriate officers.



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