Council meetings

Agenda item

Local Police Service Update


That the report be noted and Rob Jones, Borough Commander be thanked for attending and presenting to the Committee.


5.1       Rob Jones, Borough Commander, presented to the Committee. During his presentation, the following key points were raised:


·         Managing how to meet needs following recent events and threats at the same time as saving money were the ongoing priorities and challenges.

·         Following on from item 4 on this agenda, the Borough Commander reported that the statistic on a 75% increase in transphobic hate crime was high but there was also a big problem with under-reporting. Lewisham Police were doing a lot of work to improve community relations and build confidence in the Police. There was a dedicated LGBT liaison officer. The increased incidences of transphobic hate crime could in part be due to better reporting and improved understanding.

·         Recent serious events in London such as the terrorist attacks in London Bridge and Parsons Green had seen Lewisham officers amongst those on the scene. Many experienced anxiety as a result and supporting those officers was a priority.

·         The Metropolitan Police were in the middle of an on-going savings process. An additional £400 million of savings was needed on top of £400 million that had already been achieved. The Estate Strategy was at the heart of the savings proposals and would see a reduction in estate to one quarter of those held in 2010. This would help to maintain officer numbers whilst fulfilling the savings obligations. Public consultations were due to start shortly and some Police counters would be closed. Lewisham Police Station would maintain a counter that was open 24 hours per day/ 7 days a week. There was also due to be a reduction in Borough Commander numbers from 32 to 12 with Lewisham combining with Bexley and Greenwich. 

·         The Metropolitan Police were changing how they recruited to ensure they had a more diverse and representative Police force. This included new entry level detective posts which had encouraged a significantly higher number of female and BAME candidates than past recruitment.

·         There had been very successful partnership working with the Community Safety Team including on tackling gangs and on weapons sweeps.


5.2           In the discussion that followed, the following key points were raised:


·         Community Policing was still seen as vitally important. There had been a reduction in the number of officers across London from 32,000 to 30,000 and this would fall further with the continued budgetary pressures, however the force was emphasising reduction in management levels to help to protect numbers of “frontline” Police Officers.

·         Every ward in London would have a minimum of 2 dedicated ward officers but this would be more in certain areas.

·         Demand at the Deptford and Catford Police Stations was low with, on average, 1 - 2 crimes reported there per day. Most people now preferred to report online or via phone. The Police Force understood it was often a concern to local residents but maintaining Police counters was not efficient.

·         Concerns were raised around the reduction in PCSOs and the valuable resource they provided to the community.

·         Every school in the borough would have a designated Police Officer and these would become more visible.

·         The Borough Commander would report back to the Committee on the figure for sexual offences in schools in Lewisham and whether this had risen over the last few years.

·         Across London there had been an increase in moped and acid attacks but this had not been the case in Lewisham. All officers were now carrying water for immediate use in an acid attack and improvements were being made to responding to moped attacks.

·         Members of the Council and the Committee were concerned and saddened regarding recent attacks on Police officers in Lewisham and thanked the Police for all the work they did.

·         Knife crime was falling in Lewisham and the Police and community partners had been very effective in managing this. There were on-going challenges on the rates of domestic violence and burglaries.


5.3       RESOLVED:


That the report be noted and Rob Jones, Borough Commander be thanked for attending and presenting to the Committee.

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