Council meetings

Agenda item

Cafe Conversations on the Survey and Action Plan


Councillor Best introduced this item by stating that each table had been allocated one of ten topics to discuss. A table lead was identified for each topic. The brief for the tables was: to review the survey feedback and other points made by attendees at individual tables; to arrive at a list of priorities that could be implemented as part of the Local Assembly Action Plan; to make notes of the table’s discussions so that these could be fed back to other Assembly members.

The topics for discussion were:

  • Clean waste management, fly tipping and fly posting
  • Greens - parks and green spaces
  • Crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Vibrant high street, including arts and events
  • Neighbourliness/older people
  • Younger people
  • Transport – Bakerloo line, buses, parking
  • Planning
  • Housing


Each group was asked to feedback, identify the key issues and identify an area which was deemed to be the main priority. The following key points were made during the feedback session from each group:


Identified issues:

·         Promoting Sydenham

·         Sydenham to be known for sports activities

·         The need to ensure that there was effective planning enforcement, possibly through a planning enforcement website

·         Making Sydenham a destination, possibly by identifying a “Sydenham” brand

·         Effective use of social media


·         Effective planning enforcement

Clean waste management, fly tipping and fly posting

Identified issues:

·         The group noted the proposed changes to waste collection and the possible impact of this.

·         On recycling, the group was positive at the proposed changes. They stated that it would be helpful to have clearer guidance on what should go in the different bins.

·         There was concern about whether the bins were sufficiently large to meet the needs of larger families.

·         A further point made was that there were insufficient street bins and suggestions were made, including speaking to local businesses to sponsor bins.

·         There was a proposal for blue bags to be collected more frequently.

·         Suggestions for chewing gum bins were made.

·         It was suggested that wheelie bins could be used for advertising. This could include promoting the use of the MyStreet app to communicate instances of fly tipping.



·         Addressing instances of fly tipping, including using the MyStreet app.

Transport – Bakerloo Line, buses, parking

Identified issues:

·         Prepare bid for liveable neighbourhood funding from TfL/GLA, including:


o   Safe cycling – segregated space (Kirkdale as a possible example), low speeds/traffic volumes

o   Ask non-cyclists what it would take to enable them to choose to cycle

o   Ensure pavements are repaired to make walking a viable and safe choice

·         Use CPZs for controlling parking around schools?


·         Lobby for Bakerloo Line extension to Hayes with station at Lower Sydenham


·         Replacement footbridge at Dacres Road/Sydenham Park should be ramped for accessibility for wheelchairs, buggies and cycling


·         Are pedestrian crossing timings on Sydenham Road correct and as designed, and appropriate to allow all people to cross?


·         TfL to be lobbied for bus shelter at the ‘Newlands Park’ bus stop (Stop G), with next bus countdown display


·         Is traffic light syncing on Sydenham Road working?


·         Signs to direct people to Girton Road car park; signs also to make people aware of CCTV presence


·         Newlands Park car parking a problem for traffic flow, especially buses. Should consideration be given to parking on one side of road only, possibly with the permitted side of the road alternating at regular intervals?


·         Move bus stop at south end of Kirkdale a short distance north to help northbound traffic flow


·         Alternate parking either side of road in Newlands Park and Silverdale


·         Question over whether parking is a good use of space on the high street.



·         Consider a CPZ for Sydenham including around schools.


Identified issues:

·         Wells Park signage to Wells Park from Sydenham

·         Arts and activities in the park, possibly to include

o   Lark in the Park style event

o   Outdoor gyms

o   Dog shows

o   Graffiti

o   Big Lunch

·         Introduce park rangers to encourage more park usage


·         More organisedactivities in the park, including Arts-based and other events, e.g. Big Lunch.

Vibrant High Street

Identified issues:

·         Social media to promote and advertise High Street

·         Encourage a wider range of shops

·         Discourage current retail usage, e.g. chicken shops, pawn shops

·         More frequent cleaning of pavements

·         Tidy up effort on High Street


·         Use social media to promote the High Street

Health and Wellbeing  - neighbourliness

Identified issues:

·         Concern expressed about difficulty in arranging prompt GP appointments

·         Make public toilets more inviting

·         Provide clearer information about how to make complaints about difficult neighbours

·         It would be good to have more activities for older people during the day at the TNG Centre. This could also be a possible venue for Sydenham festival activities

·         Buses not fully pulling into kerb are a problem

·         Repairs on the side roads require more care. Conway to be made aware


·         The standard of repairs on the side roads and pavements should be raised. The current approach creates additional hazards, e.g. tarmac replacing paving slabs buckles over time.

Crime and ASB

Identified issues:                           

·         Poor street lighting on side streets, including trees sometimes obscuring lighting

·         Flytipping

·         Increase in begging outside the station

·         Speeding, including quad bikes in the summer

Priority: Improve standard of street lighting

Young People

Identified issues:

·         Safe driving programme for young people

·         Getting young people more involved in community events, to increase their sense of ownership of their local community

·         Youth gym

·         Healthy food education

·         Activities in the school holidays

·         Young people interacting more with the elderly

·         Counselling for young people with mental health issues

·         Intergenerational projects at possibly TNG.

·         Activity for older residents – need to look at how to pay for.


·         Increased intergenerational communication and activity