Agenda item
Dartmouth Road Update - written update
Written update from 28/11/16 key stakeholder meeting
Overall: the key stakeholder group seemed
satisfied that their main concerns had been addressed in the
- Budget: Les Senior reported that
there was a requirement to reduce the project cost by £200k
from estimated cost supplied by TfL’s term contractor Kier Highway to meet
the allocated project budget, therefore additional cost elements
coming out of the meeting discussion, e.g. extra granite crossings,
were not possible without other trade-offs. LBL, design consultants
and TfL officers will be meeting kier
Highways to resolve. Unconfirmed meeting date proposed is
13th December.
- Programme: Works are projected to
start in late February and to finish 8 to 9 months later. Works
will probably proceed in sections starting from the A205 northern
end, although the exact programme of works is up to the contractor
to decide and agree with the Council. It was noted that during this
time there will be disruption on Dartmouth Road with contra-flows
employed to manage traffic flows. However, it is unlikely that the
road will need to be closed during the works.
- Materials: everyone had been to view
the panel. The general consensus was that the red granite
wasn’t as dominant a colour as the design team had suggested,
although no-one had seen it when wet, which is when it stands out
most. David Pope provided samples of possible alternatives. After
the meeting Cllr Hilton, Les Senior and David Pope went to review
the new samples adjacent to the panel and the following palette was
Keep the smaller units of the deep red granite as an accent within
the paving scheme.
Exchange the darkest grey granite for the blue grey sample
Add in the pink granite that varies in tone between red and blue to
tie in the pinky colours with the
Retain the other colours
Action: PCL
Construction to advise the final mix for LBLe’s contractor
- Forest Lodge:. Les Senior explained
the previous parking arrangements where parking occurred on the
footway were not legal, as the land up to the front garden wall is
Public Highway. LBLE cannot be seen to be supporting this.
LBLe’s lawyers have been in
correspondence with the lawyers of the freeholder of Forest Lodge
and there has been no challenge to the Council’s position.
Only one parking bay is shown on the proposals outside Forest
Lodge, as there are constraints due to underground utilities and
the proximity to the crossing and bus stop that prevent additional
space being available.
- Road width and markings: Confirmed
as 6.4m with no centre line. This measurement was agreed with
TfL Buses and is sufficient to let 2
buses pass. It also fits in with London Cycle Design Guide
recommendations of having a lane width of no more than 3.2m. Double
yellow lines throughout should stop the parking problems associated
with Sundays and times outside the current restrictions.
- Sylvan Post: it was suggested that
the area by the Sylvan Post is already well covered with
trees, therefore the new tree in a planter closest to the pub
entrance should be deleted. Works to thin the existing Robinia’s crown are also required. Action:
PCL to amend drawings to include this. Additional CE to be
added to Thorpewood Ave crossing
- Planters: Confirmed that where there
is an opportunity to include informal planters, the Forest Hill
Society would be prepared to take on the maintenance. Locations and
numbers would have to be agreed; prime locations would be where
proposed trees may not be able to go in because of underground
Drawings attached however please note they are
not final and are subject to change.