Regarding Burglary; There has been a noticeable decrease in the number of reported residential burglaries, though there has been a slight increase in the number of non-residential burglaries and these have generally affected sheds etc. On this note, our neighbouring ward, Perry Vale have had a number of instances where residents have found that access has been made into their gardens, though entry wasn't made to any building. We have had one reported instance in our ward and this occurred near to Millennium Gardens. Again, thankfully no access was made to the resident’s home, though we appreciate anything like this is worrying. Could I ask people to ensure their sheds and garages are secured with approved locks. Again, if anyone needs any advice on suitable locks or crime prevention in general, can they contact us and this can be arranged.
Regarding Violence against the person; The number of reported crimes involving violence towards people over the last three months is again down compared to the previous reporting period.
Regarding our previous update over Elliott Bank and inconsiderate parking of vehicles during school drop of and pick up time; We have received fewer complaints over inconsiderate parking on this road but again, if people are concerned over this, please make contact with us and we can refer these concerns to Highways and again request they send parking attendants to patrol this area. Again I have to be clear on the subject of parking. This is an offence that the police have no jurisdiction over unless a vehicle is causing an unnecessary obstruction, parked in a dangerous position or preventing someone from leaving their drive. With regards to Thorpewood, the team have patrolled Elliott Bank on a number of occasions and yes, several parents were found to be parking inconsiderately and duly moved on. Inconsiderate parking outside schools is an issue that affects most schools in Lewisham and indeed London. Although we cannot be in Thorpewood outside the school on a daily basis, we have been in contact with parking services and they have had their CCTV/Camera car stationed in this road as well as parking enforcement officers.
Regarding Millennium Gardens and the Town Centre; We have received few complaints regarding Millennium Gardens other than that previously mentioned in our burglary update. Concerns over this area and adjacent roads are still a priority to us and we will continue to patrol these areas. Regarding ASB by begging in the Town Centre, as stated previously, having identified those responsible, one individual again offended and received a Community Protection Notice Warning due to their ongoing behaviour. Following this we have to date received no further complaints regarding this individual, though we are now aware of others who are begging in the Kirkdale and neighbouring Sydenham areas and are looking to deal with these individuals in much the same way.
Regarding the ASB in general, our ward panel members have given us a tasking for the next three months to answer and deal with complaints of ASB within the ward. To this end, if anyone has any concerns over ASB in their area, please make contact with us either by ringing 020 8721 2723 or by e-mail at ForestHill.SNT@met.police.uk. Your call or e-mail will be dealt with in strictest confidence or alternatively, the public can contact us through either online at Crimestoppers-uk.org or by calling 0800 555 111
I hope this update is suitable for purpose and request any complaints or questions be forwarded to us either in person by ringing 020 8721 2723 or by e-mailing the team on ForestHill.SNT@met.police.uk
PC Rachel HAWKES 277PL | Metropolitan
Police | Lewisham BOCU | South Cluster|
Team A - Forest Hill/Perry Vale
Catford Hill Police Station, 128 Catford Hill, SE6 4PS