Council meetings

Agenda item

Public Health Savings


The Committee resolved to recommend the following to the Mayor and Cabinet:


1)    That additional information should be provided to demonstrate how any potential negative effects from changes to mandatory checks would be mitigated.

2)    That additional information be provided to the Children and Young People Select Committee on the proposed role of the school health service and the development of the teenage health service, as the service is developed.

3)    That the Mayor and Cabinet should receive a response from officers to the letter from the CCG dated 14th September and handed round at CYP Select Committee, prior to making their decision on the Public Health Savings Proposals.



4.1       Warwick Tomsett, Head of Targeted Services and Joint Commissioning, introduced the report to the Committee. Catherine Bunten, Commissioning Manager, was also in attendance. A response to the consultation from the CCG was handed round, a copy of which would be interleaved with the agenda. In response to questions and challenge from members of the Committee, the following key points were highlighted:


·         The savings to school age nursing and health visiting formed part of the £4.7 million required savings from the Public Health budget.

·         Consultation results had shown a positive response to increasing links and joint working between children’s centres and health visiting although concerns were raised regarding potential duplication of work.

·         The proposals for health visiting and school nursing would maintain support for the most vulnerable.

·         The changes to school nursing would not mean less hours in schools overall but would change the skills mix of those that delivered information. Some services would be delivered by other practitioners.

·         The issues raised by the Young Advisors regarding access to Sex and Relationship Education would not be affected by the proposed changes to school age nursing, as this was not currently carried out by the school nursing service but by the schools themselves who maintained the statutory responsibility.  


Standing orders were suspended at 9.26pm


4.2       RESOLVED:


The Committee resolved to recommend the following to the Mayor and Cabinet:


1)    That additional information should be provided to demonstrate how any potential negative effects from changes to mandatory checks would be mitigated.

2)    That additional information be provided to the Children and Young People Select Committee on the proposed role of the school health service and the development of the teenage health service, as the service is developed.

3)    That the Mayor and Cabinet should receive a response from officers to the letter from the CCG dated 14th September and handed round at CYP Select Committee, prior to making their decision on the Public Health Savings Proposals.


Supporting documents: