Council meetings

Agenda item

Motion 2 Proposed by Councillor Slater Seconded by Councillor Dromey


The motion was moved by Councillor Slater and seconded by Councillor



There was then a debate to which the Councillors Muldoon, Barnham, Daby,

Elliott and Best contributed. The motion was then put to the vote and declared

to be unanimously carried.


RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:


“This council notes:


           1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any given


           The World Health Organisation predicts that depression will be the

            second most common health condition worldwide by 2020.

           Mental ill health costs some £105 billion each year in England alone.

           People with a severe mental illness die up to 20 years younger than

            their peers in the UK

           There is often a circular relationship between mental health and issues

such as housing, employment, family problems or debt.


This council believes:


           As a local authority we have a crucial role to play in improving the

mental health of everyone in our community and tackling some of the

widest and most entrenched inequalities in health.

           Despite continuing high levels of budget cuts imposed by central

government, mental health should be a priority across all the local

authority’s areas of responsibility, including housing, community safety

and planning.

           All councillors, whether members of the Executive or Scrutiny and in

our community and casework roles, can play a positive role in

championing mental health on an individual and strategic basis.


This council resolves:


1. Build on existing good practice between the Council and Voluntary

Community Services in supporting mental health.


2. Identify a ‘lead officer’ for mental health to link in with colleagues across the

council and other health services, working closely with the Lewisham’s mental

health champion, who is appointed by the Mayor.


3. Follow the implementation framework to-improve-

mental-health-and-wellbeing for the mental health strategy where it is relevant

to the council’s work and local needs.


4. Work to reduce inequalities in mental health in our community.


5. Work with local partners, including the health services and housing

associations, to integrate support for people with mental health needs.


6. Promote wellbeing and initiate and support action to promote good mental



7. Tackle discrimination on the grounds of mental health in our community.


8. To continue to work in close partnership with the Local Metropolitan Police

when people Mental Health issues come to their attention and that they are

appropriately taken to a place of safety rather than a police cell.


9. Recognise the difficulties faced by carers, and in particular young carers, of

those facing mental health issues, and continue to ensure we further the work

of community organisations and the Council in meeting their needs.


10. Encourage positive mental health in local schools, neighbourhoods and



11. Proactively engage and listen to people of all ages and backgrounds

about what they need for better mental health.


12. In the spirit of the Time to Change pledge, Lewisham Council in

partnership with key service deliverers, produce an action plan on how we can

provide mental health support in the borough.”


The meeting closed at 9.31pm

Supporting documents: