Council meetings

Agenda item

SACRE Constitution


Denise took members through the draft constitution that she had reformulated after considerable input from Kishan Manocha and drew their attention to the following:-

·     Role and functions


(i)       To advise the Local Authority (Lewisham Council) on the religious education to be given in its schools in accordance with an Agreed Syllabus.  In particular, the SACRE can offer advice on methods of teachings, the choice of materials and the provision of training for teachers.

(ii)       To advise the Local Authority on matters pertaining to Collective Worship in its schools. 


With regard to (i) and (ii), the Local Authority may refer matters to the SACRE, which the latter must then consider and advise on.  The SACRE may also take the initiative and make recommendations to the Local Authority on these matters.


(iii)       To receive, determine and review applications from Head Teachers as to whether the requirement for Collective Worship that is wholly or mainly of a Christian character may not apply. This application to vary the legal requirement for Collective Worship may be for the whole school or for groups of pupils.


(iv)      To require the LA to set up a Statutory Agreed Syllabus Conference to review the Agreed Syllabus if, in the opinion of SACRE, this becomes necessary.


(v)      To produce an annual report on its work which will, inter alia: 


a.   describe the work that SACRE has undertaken

b.  specify matters in respect of which the SACRE has given advice to the Local Authority;

c.   broadly describe the nature of the advice given and the response given by the LA;

d.  where any such matters were not referred to the SACRE by the LA, provide the SACRE’s reasons for offering advice on the matter.



Copies of the report will be made available to schools and the public on the SACRE and/or other appropriate website. 



 At the discretion of the LA, the SACRE may:

(a)    monitor the provision of Religious Education in order to inform its advice and reporting;

(b)   monitor the provision of Collective Worship in order to inform its advice and reporting;

(c)    be involved in Complaints Procedures.

 Shaun felt that with the SACRE’s long custodianship and support of the South London Multi Faith and Multi-Cultural Resources Centre, there should be reference in the constitution to that effect as it was a clear way in which SACRE could help fulfil its support of effective Religious Education within the LA.

Other members shared the importance of the inclusion of such a reference and asked Shaun to write an appropriate sentence to this effect that could be included in SACRE’s constitution.

As part of the discussion about the Constitution members addressed the vexed question of long term non-attendance. It was agreed that the following changes should be made to the Constitution

·     Terms of Office of Members

            Termination of SACRE membership by reason of non-attendance:

 If a Member is absent for 3 or more consecutive meetings for any reason not acceptable to the SACRE there shall be deemed to be a vacated place to be filled by the sponsorship group / governing body for that class of Members.

Members asked for further clarification on this item. Denise explained that any member who is absent for three meetings and had not sent their apologies will be deemed as vacated their place. Members felt that a warning letter from the Clerk regarding their attendances should be sent in the first instance. It was suggested that the letter should be sent after two absences rather than three; this would give the member the opportunity to address their attendance on the third occasion.   It was realised that three meetings would cover half an academic year which potentially  meant that the SACRE would be operating with fewer people than necessary and maybe in danger of being inquorate if attendance was not dealt with effectively. A further question was “what if the person had given a reasonable explanation for their absence”? It was stated that It was up to SACRE as to whether they accepted an absence or not. A discussion was held around this point in particular relating to absence through illness which it was felt should not be penalised. 

It was AGREED that that a letter would be sent by the Clerk after two absences.

            The process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair.

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council shall be chosen from Members of the SACRE and shall be elected at the first meeting in each education (academic) year.

As stated under item 1, of these minutes, members agreed that the self-nominee for both positions should have served on the board for at least twelve months so that members would have developed a relationship with that person and have caused to want to nominate them to such an important position.