Council meetings

Agenda item

Block K, Marine Wharf West, Plough Way SE16 7UE


The Head of Planning, presented the proposal for the erection of 34 residential units (17 one bed, 12 two bed and 5 three bed) and 361 sqm of office floorspace (Use Class B1), together with associated access, car parking, cycle parking and landscaping..


The Committee received verbal representation from Mr B McCurry, Director of Barton Willmore Consultancy) and Mr T Rickets, Development Director of Berkeley Homes, who presented their scheme and addressed Members questions regarding the development and change of the proposed use of the upper ground floor level from commercial to residential.


Councillor Amrani questioned the marketing of the units on the upper ground floor level and stated that Members were keen to promote and keep local businesses within the area. Members also requested that the marketing documents be made available to them.


Members expressed concern about the approach to the marketing of the previously approved commercial units and were advised that the advertising agency is highly qualified and that the units were on the market for 3 years, it was also highlighted through the marketing scheme that businesses had no interest in units above ground floor level which suffers from a commercial frontage and the floor space per square footage is too large for small scale local business.


In answer to questions raised by Members the Head of Planning confirmed that, the marketing documentation report forms part of the submitted application and is on the web site.  Members wished to see a requirement included in the Section 106 Agreement for the submission of a strategy for the fit out and letting of the commercial space provided in this development.


Following deliberation Councillor Hall moved the motion to accept the officer’s recommendation with amendments. The motion was seconded by Councillor Amrani


Members voted as follows:-


FOR:                   Councillors De Ryk (Chair), Amrani, Bonavia, Coughlin, Egan, Hall and Jacq Paschoud.

AGAINST:          Councillors Bell and Curran.


RESOLVED:     that in respect of Application No. DC/14/89436.

(i)      Subject to no direction being received from the Mayor of London:

          Authorise officers to negotiate and complete a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) to incorporate such obligations in the legal agreements for the Marine Wharf West site (DC/10/73737 and DC/13/84296) as are relevant to the current application and to cover the following matters (including such amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development):

Financial Contribution towards:


(1)     Affordable Housing Contribution: Payment of £1.4 million.

(2)          Education Contribution: Payment of £67,576

(3)          Health Contribution: Payment of £44,200

(4)          Leisure Contribution: £25,842

(5)          Open Space Contribution: £16,403

(6)          Employment Training Contribution: £5,380

(7)          Community Facilities Contribution: £10,678

(8)          Town Centre Contribution: £4,930


Non-financial contribution:

a)      Creation of ground floor level link between the Marine Wharf West and Marine Wharf East sites.

Meeting the Councils legal, professional and monitoring costs associated with the drafting, finalising and monitoring of the Agreement.

b)           Submission of a strategy for the fit out and letting of the commercial space provided in this development.


(ii)     Upon the completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Agreement, authorise the Head of Planning to Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions as set out in the report



Supporting documents: