Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Room 1 & 2, Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford, SE6 4RU

Contact: Yinka Ojo  020 8314 9785 Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 29 KB



No interests were declared



Minutes pdf icon PDF 10 KB


1.           MINUTES (Item 2 on the Agenda)

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2014 were not signed. It was asked that they be amended to reflect that Councillor Walsh had voted against and that Councillor Raven had abstained on the motion to grant planning permission for the proposal to develop 233-241 Lewisham High Street SE13 6NQ, Item 3 on the agenda.

Councillor Kennedy further asked that attendance at meetings be updated immediately after the meetings.


The meeting ended at 9:15pm




Additional documents:


1.           9 STAPLEHURST ROAD, LONDON, SE13 5ND (Item 3 on the Agenda)

The Planning Officer outlined the details of the proposal for the additional use of Unit A (Use Class A3) and Unit B (Use Class B1) to also include retail use (Use Class A1) on the ground floor, and change of use of B1 space at first floor level above Unit A to provide one, 2 bedroom self contained residential flat (Use Class C3). The Planning Officer mentioned that Councillor Hooks, ward councillor for Lee Green, had sent an email, which was circulated to members before the meeting, asking that committee members raise appropriate questions with the Committee’s advisors, the applicant and local residents regarding the concerns that had been raised at the local meeting held on 10 September 2014.

The Committee received verbal representation from Mr M Roe, the applicant’s agent, who said the site was within a local hub and that while there was concern that there may be an increase in competition amongst businesses in the hub, increase in competition was encouraged as stated in the NPPF. He said that a condition requesting servicing details which would have to be discharged before the site was occupied, could be imposed. He asked that planning permission be granted.

Councillor Mallory spoke under standing orders in opposition to the proposal. He said the change of use to retail would negatively impact on businesses in the hub and affect community cohesion. He also said servicing by delivery lorries would require constant enforcement which would be unmanageable. He felt that marketing of the current use had been inadequate, and asked members to thereby refuse the change of use.

Upon deliberation whereby members agreed that the information provided on marketing of the site within its current Use Class and the information provided on deliveries and servicing of the unit was insufficient, Councillor De Ryk moved a motion to defer determination of the proposal until such information was provided. The motion was seconded by Councillor Kennedy.

FOR:                Councillors Amrani (Chair), Kennedy (Vice-Chair), Bourne, De Ryk, Raven, Upex, Till and Walsh.

RESOLVED:    that determination of planning application DC/14/87501 be deferred pending the provision of:

i.         Further information regarding the marketing of the site within its current Use Class and;

ii.        Further information in relation to servicing of the proposed unit.

Note:      Members were dissatisfied that neither the Council’s Highway’s Engineer nor the applicant’s transport consultant were present to answer questions.



3A ELIOT PARK SE13 7EG pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


1.           3A ELIOT PARK, LONDON, SE13 7EG (Item 4 on the Agenda)

Councillor Amrani (Chair) informed Members that this item had been withdrawn prior to the meeting and therefore will not be considered by this Committee.




Additional documents:


1.           8 JERNINGHAM ROAD, LONDON, SE14 5NX(Item 5 on the Agenda)

The Planning Officer outlined the details of the proposal for construction of a single-storey rear extension, an extension to the rear roof slope together with the installation of replacement double glazed timber sliding sash windows at ground floor level to the front, uPVC replacement windows to the rear, the formation of two new window openings in the flank elevation of the rear addition, roof lights in the front, side and rear and roof slopes and alterations to the front entrance steps.

The Planning Officer mentioned that pre-application advice had been given which the applicant had minded with some exceptions. and that while officer’s find the proposal as presented acceptable, it was recommended that a condition be imposed with regards to the front of the property.

Following deliberation Councillor Till moved the motion to accept the officer’s recommendation and grant planning permission subject to conditions. The motion was seconded by Councillor Bourne.

Members voted as follows:

FOR:                Councillors Amrani (Chair), Kennedy (Vice-Chair), Bourne, Raven, Upex and Till.

AGAINST:        Councillor Walsh and De Ryk

ABSTAINED:    Councillor Amrani (Chair)

RESOLVED:    that PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED in respect to planning application DC/14/88150, subject to conditions as stated in the report and condition 5 added as follows:

Condition 5


(a)    Notwithstanding the information shown on drawing 213_8JR_P200  Revision A hereby permitted, full particulars including drawings, sections and details of materials of the treatment of the proposed front entrance steps shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any work is carried out in relation to that part of the development.


(b)    The works shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure that the local planning authority may be satisfied as to the external appearance of the building and to comply with Policy 15 High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Saved Policy URB 3 Urban Design in the Unitary Development Plan (July 2004).