Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 Civic Suite Catford Road London SE6 4 RU

Contact: Clare Weaser 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Supplementary Committee held on 11 August 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 221 KB






Street Trading (Markets) Charges 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 883 KB


(i) the representations received about the proposed changes be noted.

(ii) an increase of 10% for all street trading / markets fees be approved.

(iii) an increase of 10% for all forecourt licences be approved.

(iv). an increase of 10% for all administrative charges including registration, licences, and proposals to revoke licences on ground of charges arrears, replacement stall cards, licence variation and duplicate licences be approved; and

(v) the fees proposed in Appendix A of the report for the budget year 2024/25 be approved and will take effect from 1st April 2024.



Ms Woollard introduced the report. She said that officers were seeking a 10% increase across all fees and charges for all street trading licences – markets and forecourts. There had not been any increase to fees and charges since 2020. Prior to this, there had been an annual review. There was a projected deficit of £200,000 by the end of the 2023/24 financial year. Officers also wanted to re-instate the practice of an annual review of the accounts.


3.2      In February 2023, Mayor and Cabinet approved a 10% increase to fees and charges in principle and requested that the service undertake the due process that went with the implementation of fees. Public consultation took place during January-March 2024.


3.3      In an effort to minimise the impact on traders, the recommended increase was not in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate. It was in line with the fees and charges proposals prior to the pandemic To minimise impact going forward, officers would continue to control costs and aim to increase occupancy in the markets across Lewisham.

  • Traders were concerned about the impact that increases would have on their business. However, inflation had affected the Council as well as traders. The accounts needed to balance and with a projected £200,000 deficit, fees needed to be increased. In an effort to reduce costs for the present time and for the future, a recycling initiative had been introduced to try to reduce costs to the service as well as rebates for the service. 
  • Legally, the accounts must balance. There should not be arrears or a profit. Officers agreed that the recommendations in the report were the best solutions to balance the accounts. In future, it was hoped that an annual review of the fees would reduce the impact of large increases. Historically there had been a 2% annual increase; in future the accounts would be tightly managed.
  • Officers were considering a 3-5 year plan for the market. It would consider the facilities at each market. Lewisham market was at full capacity, but consideration would be given as to how to increase take up of traders in other markets as well as how to attract more customers.
  • This year, projected revenue was £700,000. A 10% increase would produce a further £70,000. Officers would have to consider using the reserves in order to address this shortfall.  Although the accounts would not balance this year, it was important that a plan was in place to recoup this money.
  • In response to a question about facilities in the markets, members were advised that part of the level up fund would be used to provide accessible toilets for traders in the Burtons Yard area, updated storage facilities and to install power points for pedestrian operated vehicles. It was anticipated that the project work that had commenced in Deptford, would also include improvements to facilities.
  • A request had been made for CCTV to be installed in Catford Broadway.
  • Members agreed that charges needed to increase but supported officers’  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.