Council meetings

Decision details

Redeployable Housing

Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Having considered an open officer report, the Mayor agreed that:


(i) the work that has been carried out to test the technical feasibility

and the financial viability of using innovative approaches to

construction to provide “meanwhile” uses of vacant land while longer

term plans are developed;


(ii) proposals for the temporary use of the vacant Ladywell site and for

Officers to proceed as outlined in sections 7 and 8;


(iii) officers commence the process of seeking to obtain planning permission

for a development of temporary deployable housing on the Ladywell site;


(iv) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and

Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer

Services, to agree the terms of the final brief for a development of

temporary deployable housing on the Ladywell site and the procurement



(v) officers commence a procurement exercise to identify a contractor to

construct a demountable and “re-deployable” building on that site, whereby

the building will be on site for a period of no more than four years, and for the

selected contractor to subsequently deconstruct, move and reconstruct that

building in another location within the borough, in line with the details set out

in part 2; and


(vi) the decision to appoint the selected contractor or contractors will be

reported to Mayor & Cabinet (Contracts) for approval at the conclusion of the

procurement process.


Publication date: 23/10/2014

Date of decision: 22/10/2014

Decided at meeting: 22/10/2014 - Mayor and Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: