Council meetings

Election results for Rushey Green

Local council elections 2018 - Thursday, 3rd May, 2018

Rushey Green ward election results.

Rushey Green - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Louise Krupski Labour Party 2285 23% Elected
Councillor James-J Walsh Labour Party 2063 21% Elected
Councillor John Muldoon Labour Party 2041 21% Elected
Cath Miller Green Party 529 5% Not elected
Mike Keogh Green Party 429 4% Not elected
Ian Michael Stell The Conservative Party 362 4% Not elected
Heidi Degen Liberal Democrats 339 3% Not elected
Jolanta Bernadeta Gut-Nidecka Duma Polska = Polish Pride 339 3% Not elected
John Francis Michael Sweeney The Conservative Party 280 3% Not elected
Neil Cameron Weatherall The Conservative Party 275 3% Not elected
George Alex Crozier Liberal Democrats 253 3% Not elected
Tracy Edwards Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 253 3% Not elected
Andrew John McIlwraith Liberal Democrats 233 2% Not elected
Matt Hawkins Green Party 109 1% Not elected
Andy Beadle Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 82 1% Not elected
Steven Paul Rumney Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 74 1% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 9946
Electorate 10282
Number of ballot papers issued 3633
Number of ballot papers rejected 28
Turnout 35%
Share of the votes (%)
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Louise Krupski 23% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Councillor James-J Walsh 21% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Councillor John Muldoon 21% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Cath Miller 5% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Mike Keogh 4% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Ian Michael Stell 4% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Heidi Degen 3% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Jolanta Bernadeta Gut-Nidecka 3% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
John Francis Michael Sweeney 3% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Neil Cameron Weatherall 3% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
George Alex Crozier 3% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Tracy Edwards 3% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Andrew John McIlwraith 2% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Matt Hawkins 1% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Andy Beadle 1% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Steven Paul Rumney 1% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
D – being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty28
Total rejected28