Register of interests

Councillor Hilary Moore

This register of interests was published on Monday, 20th January, 2025, 10.13 am.

I Councillor Hilary Moore give notice that I have registered disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests set out below

1. Please list any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.
Name of Employer and Description of Business Description of Employment or Role
CONEL (Capital City Colleges Group) from 1/8/2018 Education and Safeguarding Consultant
2. Please list any employment, office, trade profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain by your spouse, civil partner or person you live with as such.
Name of Employer and Description of Business Description of Employment or Role
3. Please list any payment or provision of a financial benefit made in respect of expenses incurred by you as a member or towards your election expenses
Body Benefit
4. Please list any contract made between you or any body in which you have a beneficial interest and the London Borough of Lewisham
Decsription of Contract
5. Please list any contract made between your spouse, civil partner or person you live with as such or any body in which they have a beneficial interest and the London Borough of Lewisham
Description of Contract
6. Please provide details of any land in the London Borough of Lewisham in which you have a beneficial interest
Address/description of land Nature of Interest in Land
The member has an interest the details of which are withheld under Section 32 (2) Localism Act 2011
7. Please provide details of any land in the London Borough of Lewisham in which your spouse, civil partner or person you live with as such, has a beneficial interest
Address/descriptin of land Nature of interest in Land
as above sole dwelling place
8. Please list any licence held by you to occupy land in Lewisham for a month or longer
Address/description of land Nature of Licence
9. Please list any licence held by your spouse, civil partner or person you live with as such to occupy land in Lewisham for a month or longer
Address/description of land Nature of licence
10. Please list any corporate tenancies held by you or a firm in which you are a remunerated director or partner
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Property
11. Please list any corporate tenancies held by your spouse, civil partner or person you live with as such or a firm in which they are a remunerated director or partner
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Property
12. Please list any companies, industrial and provident societies, co-operative societies or other bodies corporate in which you have a substantial interest
Name of Company/Body
13. Please list any companies, industrial and provident societies, co-operative societies or other bodies corporate in which your spouse, civil partner or person you live with as such has a substantial interest
Name of Company/Body
14. Please list your membership or position of control in any body you were appointed to by the Council or any body exercising functions of a public nature
Name of Company/Body
Trustee of London Youth Games Foundation
Foundation Governor of St Stephen's CofE Primary School from 01.01.2025 for a term of 4 years. No remuneration.
15. Please list within 28 days of receipt of any gift or hospitality over the value of £25
Nature of gift or hospitality
11 January 2023- Chinbrook Area Residents Action Team (CHART) meal for employees, volunteers and members of the Steering Committee- approx £25
25 July 2023- I received a £25 gift voucher due to my agreeing to an interview with a researcher following the MH and well-being session Cllrs attended earlier this year. The interview was about an hour and was open to all who attended that session.
29th November 2023- received 'standing' plaque and a large in box bunch of flowers. Would think £75 would cover the cost
Spring 2024 - received £30 from the team running the women sessions as to our ideas re safety in the town centre - levelling up engagement session.
16. Please detail all transactions between yourself, close family and/or household and the Council. Also list financial and non financial transactions between the Council and any entity in which you have a controlling interest.
Nature of Related Party Transaction