Having considered both open and closed officer reports, Cllr Dacres MOVED, Cllr Barnham SECONDED and it was RESOLVED:
To approve
1. The revised key milestones, progress update and financial position of the new build development programme. This includes sites on hold pending review, new additions with latest scheme cost estimates and revised viability assessments.
2. The budget implications to the HRA and GF as set out within part 2 of this report.
The Total Scheme Cost for the Single Homeless Project (SHAP) and to
accept the associated grant from the GLA and the use of Public
Health Capital funding and to delegate approval of the terms of the
grant funding agreement to the Executive Director of Place, in
consultation with the Director of Resources and Director of Law and
Corporate Governance.
And to note
1. Background to the Building for Lewisham development programme as agreed by Cabinet in January 2020.
2. An updated development programme with latest amendments including pausing of sites Hensford Road, Markwell, Evelyn, Dacres, Home Park, and Edward Street. Revised programme financial impacts and out turn within part 2 of this report.
3. Note Planning submission forecast on approved sites identified within programme summary appendix 4 of this report.
4. The development and regeneration progress update, key changes, challenges, and risk.
5. The intended outcome to bring forward a pipeline of new, more viable development sites. Each site to be approved on a scheme-by-scheme basis prior to planning submission.
6. The risks and market challenges highlighted impacting the delivery of the programme and note that a report will return to Mayor and Cabinet on a quarterly basis to monitor progress.