Council meetings

Issue - decisions

Review of all Supported Housing Contracts

22/09/2023 - Review of all Supported Housing Contracts

Having considered an open officer report, it was MOVED by Councillor Bell, SECONDED by Councillor Krupski and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet


1.    approve the removal of supported housing funding for the Phoenix Futures Bromley Road contract from April 2024. This contract has a value of £250,036 a year. The service is under contract until April 2027.

 2.  approve the uplift to Lewisham supported housing contracts by a value negotiated with each provider (as set out in table 1) to meet the specific pressures for each service. These uplifts total £481,412 a year, funded by the £250,036 from the Phoenix Futures contract, and £236,000 additional system investment of £236,000 laid out in table 3; and

3.   approve a smaller one-off payment to providers for 23/24 in recognition of the current and urgent inflationary pressures identified, laid out in table 4, totalling £250,000.