Having considered open and closed officer reports, and a video of a launch event, Cllr Bell MOVED, Cllr Dacres SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to approve:
1. The award of contract for Solution – Focused Coaching: Specialist advice, support and training to support the effective management of individuals with mental ill health (Lot (6)) to Solution Focused Education. The contract value will be £120,000 per annum, equating to £600,000 over 5 years, and £840,000 over 7 years if the option to extend is utilised. The contract will commence on 03 January 2024.
2. The award of contract for Solution-Focused Coaching: Specialist advice, support and training to support the effective management of individuals into meaningful life roles (Lot 9) to OLightOn Limited. The contract value will be £108,434.80 per annum, equating to £542,174 over 5 years, and £759,043.60 over 7 years if the option to extend is utilised. The contract will commence on 03 January 2024.
3. Approve the award of contract to the preferred service provider for the provision of Solution-Focused Coaching: Specialist advice, support and training to support individuals in their last year of life (Lot 5), provided the contract value is within authorised limits of £120,000 per annum.
4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Community Services in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance to select the preferred service provider for Solution-Focused Coaching: Specialist advice, support and training to support the effective management of individuals in their last year (Lot 5) in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.
5. Officers entering into negotiations with Kingston University for Solution-Focused Coaching: Specialist advice, support and training to support the effective management of individuals with a Learning Disability and / or Autism (Lot 8) and award the contract provided it is within the authorised limits of £120,000 per annum and that the initial conditions of contract are not substantially altered from the failed procurement.
6. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Community Services in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance to approve the final agreed terms for Solution-Focused Coaching: Specialist advice, support and training to support the effective management of individuals with a Learning Disability and / or Autism (Lot 8) provided that the initial conditions of contract are not substantially altered from the failed procurement.