Council meetings

Issue - decisions

2023/24 Capital Programme for Highways and Transport - Borough-wide Footway Improvements & Carriageway Resurfacing and Local Implementation Programme

21/07/2023 - 2023/24 Capital Programme for Highways and Transport - Borough-wide Footway Improvements & Carriageway Resurfacing and Local Implementation Programme

It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport:


1.    authorise the implementation of the 2023/24 Local Implementation Plan (LIP) capital programme and the 2023/24 borough wide carriageway footway improvements and carriageway resurfacing capital programme to this report.


2.    authorise officers to make permanent the Experimental Traffic Orders for school streets currently in force as listed in this report and due to expire 4th August 2023, 4th October 2023, 21st Feb 2024. Also, that no public Inquiry is required on the basis that there has been significant opportunity for all views to be canvassed during the consultation period, including objections to making the orders permanent.


3.    authorise officers to make decisions on road danger reduction schemes using the methodology outlined in this report and this be adopted as policy.


4.    authorise officers to make decisions on Electric Vehicle (EV) implementation using the methodology outlined in the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Implementation Plan 2023 – 2026 and this be adopted as policy.