Council meetings

Issue - decisions

Adventure Playgrounds: Procurement of Play Service and Site Maintenance and Development Service

23/06/2023 - Adventure Playgrounds: Procurement of Play Service and Site Maintenance and Development Service

It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:



1.         Approve the procurement for the Adventure Playground Play Service for a period of five years from 1 December 2023, with the option to extend for a further two years. In line with the proposal within this report, the Play Service will provide a core offer across Lewisham Council’s five APGs to children and young people. The value of the contract over the seven years will be up to £1,386,000 (£198,000 pa).

2.         Approve the procurement of the Adventure Playground Maintenance and Development Service for a period of five years from 1 December 2023, with the option to extend for a further two years. In line with the proposal within this report, the Adventure Playground Maintenance Service will provide a core maintenance offer across Lewisham Council’s five APGs to ensure they are safe to operate for the duration of the Play Service contract. The value of the contract over the seven years will be up to £658,000 (£94,000 pa).

3.         Note the intention to seek approval from the Mayor and Cabinet for the Contract Award for the Play Service and the Site Maintenance Service.

4.         Authorise the advertisement of the disposal by way of seven-year lease to the selected Adventure Playground Space Provider of open space at Home Park APG, Honor Oak APG and Ladywell Fields APG in accordance with section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 and note that a further report will be brought to Mayor & Cabinet to consider any objections received to the proposed disposals.


 Issuing of non-repairing leases to the Adventure Playground Play Service provider is expected to increase the provider’s ability to maximise site occupancy and increase the ability to secure long-term funding to grow play sessions and draw in external funding to refurbish and replace (where deemed necessary) the APGs.