It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor & Cabinet:
a) Approve the purchase of up to an additional 20 homes for the Right to Buyback 1 programme, using GLA grant and HRA borrowing. Note that these purchases are subject to the application of GLA grant.
b) Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Regeneration to approve the purchase of individual properties, and associated administrative, refurbishment or alteration/extension works costs for the Buyback Programme.
c) Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Regeneration to nominate a Senior Responsible Officer to approve the purchase of individual properties, and associated administrative, refurbishment or alteration/extension works costs for the Buyback Programme and Buyback Programme 20-unit extension.
d) Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Regeneration to bid for and accept any local, regional or national financial grants to support the delivery of the Buyback Programme.
Approve the extension of the Right to Buyback programme until June 2023.