Council meetings

Issue - decisions

Future of Housing Management: Options Review

09/12/2022 - Future of Housing Management: Options Review



1.    Note the results of the tenant and leaseholder consultation and test of opinion, the cost benefit analysis and the risk analysis.

2.    Authorise the Executive Director, Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and s151 Officer to negotiate termination of the management agreement with Lewisham Homes and negotiate a mutually acceptable date to transfer the landlord service to the Council as soon as practicable.

3.    Authorise the Executive Director, Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm to take such decisions as may be necessary to facilitate the process of bringing back the housing service in house unless such actions would have significant financial implications beyond those outlined in this report, in which case a further report will be brought to Mayor and Cabinet.

4.    Require the Executive Director, Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm to develop plans to ensure that the retained housing services and Lewisham Homes maintain the quality of the housing service and delivery of the programme of improvements.