Councillor Walsh MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the award of a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd for the provision of swimming and other lake activities in Beckenham Place Park. The contract will be for five years, commencing 1 June 2024, and will provide investment into the site and an income to the Council based on a combination of rent and percentage share of annual gross turnover.
· Agree in principle to the disposal of open space and authorise the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to advertise the disposal as required by section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972.
· Delegate authority to the Execiutive Director for Community Services to consider and determine any objections made in response to the advert for the open space disposal advertised in accordance with recommendation 2.2 in the report.
· Agree that subject to the responses to the advertisement above, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Community Services in consultation with the Director for Law and Corporate Governance to agree lease terms and enter into a lease in accordance with section 123 Local Government Act 1972.
Agree to award a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd. to manage lake activities (swimming & boating) on the lake at Beckenham Place Park and lease.