Council meetings

Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account Budget 2022/23

13/01/2022 - Housing Revenue Account Budget 2022/23

Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Finance & Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, and by the

Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the comments of the Housing Select Committee be received;


(2) having considered the views of those consulted on the budget, and subject

to proper process, as required, the following recommendations be approved; t


Housing Revenue Account


(3) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders in

the Brockley area, presented to area panel members on 10th November

2021, as attached at Appendix 3, be noted;


(4) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders

and the Lewisham Homes budget strategy presented to area panel members

on 24th November 2021 as attached at Appendix 4;


(5) an increase in dwelling rents of 4.1% be set (an average of £4.07 per

week) – as per the formula rent calculations outlined in section 4;


(6) an increase in the hostels accommodation charge by 4.1% be set (or

£3.27 per week), in accordance with formula rent calculations;


(7) the following average weekly increases/decreases for dwellings be

approved for:


(a) service charges to non-Lewisham Homes managed dwellings (Brockley) to

ensure full cost recovery and 5.90% inflationary uplift for 2022/23;

           caretaking                             5.90%                         (£0.29)

           grounds                                 5.90%                         (£0.13)

           communal lighting               5.90%                         (£0.08)

           bulk waste collection           5.90%                         (£0.09)

           window cleaning                 5.90%                         (£0.01)

           tenants’ levy                         0.00%                         (£0.00)


(b) service charges to Lewisham Homes managed dwellings:

           caretaking                             4.00%                         (£0.27)

           grounds                                 4.00%                         (£0.09)

           window cleaning                 8.00%                         (£0.01)

           communal lighting               20.00%                       (£0.21)

           block pest control                 15.00%                       (£0.27)

           waste collection                   0.00%                         (£0.00)

           heating & hot water             10.00%                       (£1.05)

           tenants’ levy                         0.00%                         (£0.00)

           bulk waste disposal             4.00%                         (£0.03)

           sheltered housing               0.00%                         (£0.00)


(8) the following average weekly percentage changes for hostels and shared

temporary units be approved for;

           service charges (hostels) – caretaking etc.; no change

           energy cost increases for heat, light & power; no change

           water charges increase; no change


(9) an increase in garage rents by 4.9% (£0.77 per week) for Brockley and

Lewisham Homes residents be approved as outlined in Appendix 6;


(10) the budgeted expenditure be noted for the Housing Revenue Account

(HRA) for 2022/23 is £304.0m, split £94.4m revenue and £209.6m capital,

which includes the decent homes and new build programmes;


(11) the HRA budget strategy cut proposals in order to achieve a balanced

budget in 2022/23, be approved, as attached at Appendix 1;


(12) to write off twenty-one cases of Former Tenants’ Arrears as set out in

paragraphs 4.25 to 4.28 and Appendix 7, totalling £365,462.94;

HRA Capital Programme;


(13) the 2021/22 Quarter 2 HRA Capital Programme monitoring position and

the Capital Programme potential future schemes and resources be noted, as

set out in section 5;


(14) the significant proposed rise in prudential borrowing of more than

£397.5m by 2026/27, primarily to fund the Building for Lewisham programme

capital plans, be approved;


(15) the 2022/23 to 2026/27 HRA Capital Programme of £723.1m, as set out

in section 5, be approved.