Council meetings

Issue - decisions

SELCHP Extension

03/01/2021 - Extension of Refuse Recycling Agreement' with South East London Combined Heat & Power Ltd (SELCHP)

Having considered both an open and a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously agreed:


(1)           That the Refuse Recycling Agreement with South East London Combined Heat & Power Ltd (SELCHP) be extended for 5 years from 2nd January 2024, the detailed terms to be set out in a Deed of Variation to the Refuse Recycling Agreement and associated agreements and documents.


(2)           That authority be delegated to the Director for the Public Realm to take the decision about the final terms of the Deed of Variation to the Refuse Recycling Agreement and associated agreements and documents, in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance and Human Resources, and the Director of Corporate Resources.