Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the jobshare
Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Brenda Dacres,
the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the immediate purchase of 65 vehicles for the 2019 - 2021 Fleet vehicle
replacement programme, be approved as set out;
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to
purchase a further 10 (passenger services vehicles) for the 2019 – 2021 Fleet
vehicle replacement programme subject to the outcome of the travel and
transport review;
(3) the results of the finance options appraisal, which recommends the
outright purchase of vehicles via a mechanism of external borrowing be noted;
(4) external borrowing for the 2019/20 replacement programme for up to 75
vehicles, through the Public Works Loan Board, be approved;
(5) the use of The Procurement Partnership (TPPL) to utilise the NEPO and
BN&S frameworks for the supply of specialist vehicles through the running of
a mini-competition under these framework agreements for the vehicles
required be approved;
(6) owing to the tight timescales in delivery of the vehicles and uncertainty
around Brexit that the final award to the successful suppliers be delegated to
the Executive Director of Customer Services for ordering over the summer
period; and
(7) officers should develop an approach to provide a comprehensive vehicle
replacement programme for future years.