Resolved: As the full STP is not a public document, it was suggested that this was best-suited as a topic for the next Health and Wellbeing Board workshop, to be rescheduled for an appropriate date in the autumn.
6.1 Martin Wilkinson provided an update on the NHS South East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) and planned pre-consultation engagement activity for changes to elective orthopaedic services.
6.2 The STP covers a number of areas not originally within the OHSEL Strategy such as specialist commissioning, mental health and learning disabilities. It also includes a new leadership team (the Quartet) of four individuals from across each part of our system and refreshed joint governance arrangements, notably the Strategic Planning Group.
6.3 Liz Butler raised a number of issues regarding the STP, including: excessively short timescales for producing the Plan; concerns over the financial modelling; lack of defined roles for Chairs or Executives; and the lack of proper clinical and public engagement. She also advised that Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust have formally submitted their key concerns regarding the STP.