Council meetings

Issue - decisions

Whole System Model of Care

19/07/2016 - Developing a Whole System Model of Care

Resolved: The Board made the following recommendations in response to the presentation and report:


·         The model needs clear evaluation and must make a difference. If early signs are positive, it should be built upon immediately.

·         The draft set of health and care pledges which outline what the HWB will do to improve health and wellbeing across the borough should be circulated for comment, with formal adoption at a later meeting of the HWB.

·         Engagement with the public must be embedded in the approach to developing new ways of delivering services.

·         A plan for VCS involvement in the neighbourhood offer will be overseen by the Stronger Communities Partnership Board.

·         The strapline needs to replace ‘social care’ simply with ‘care’ as it doesn’t include social care for children and young people.

·         The inclusion of organisational logos should be limited to statutory partners who commission or provide health and care in the borough. The wider partnership (e.g. third sector, housing and schools) integral to the successful delivery of the model, can be acknowledged by name.


4.1       Martin Wilkinson presented a collated summary of the reports on Developing a Whole System Model of Care (Item 4) and System Resilience Plans for 2016-17 and the Approach to Enhanced Care and Support Plans (Item 7).


4.2       Given the many external drivers, programme and plans that are currently in play in relation to health and care, future integration meetings will focus on wider strategic issues as well as the specific adult integration deliverable for 2016/17. Where appropriate these wider discussions will involve colleagues Children’s services.


4.3       Whole system transformation work will feed into wider programme and delivery boards, such as that overseeing One Public Estate, SEL wide Sustainability and Transformation Plan, Commissioning plans and the Devolution Programme Board. Progress reports will be provided regularly to the HWB.


4.4       To facilitate consistent and coherent messaging to staff, residents and other stakeholders, a joint strategic communications group has been established.


4.5       Enhanced Care and Support (ECS) is integral to the delivery of a whole system model of care. The ECS programme spans across the Admissions Avoidance and Discharge Planning aspects of the non-elective pathway, with proposals to include the following services:


·         Rapid response

·         Home ward

·         Community discharge support team

·         Emergency department team

·         Brymore house