Council meetings

Committee attendance

The attendance records start from 1 January 2011. You can view previous attendance records here

Agreed Syllabus Conference, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Hilary Moore 0
Councillor David Britton 0
Councillor Jacq Paschoud 0
Children and Young People Select Committee, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Chris Barnham 6
Councillor Andre Bourne 6
Councillor Hilary Moore 3
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin 6
Councillor Luke Sorba 5
Councillor John Paschoud 3
Councillor David Britton 1
Councillor Alan Till 6
Councillor Jacq Paschoud 6
Corporate Parenting Group, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor John Paschoud 3
Councillor David Britton 0
Councillor Alan Till 3
Councillor Joan Millbank 2
Councillor Jacq Paschoud 4
Council, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Chris Barnham 4
Councillor Andre Bourne 4
Councillor Peter Bernards 4
Councillor Hilary Moore 3
Councillor Bill Brown 5
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin 5
Mayor Brenda Dacres 5
Councillor Joe Dromey 5
Councillor Eva Stamirowski 5
Councillor James-J Walsh 5
Councillor Janet Daby 5
Councillor Luke Sorba 4
Councillor John Paschoud 5
Councillor Paul Bell 3
Councillor David Britton 2
Councillor Alan Till 5
Councillor John Muldoon 5
Councillor Sue Hordijenko 2
Councillor Amanda De Ryk 5
Councillor Susan Wise 5
Councillor Chris Best 4
Councillor Liam Curran 5
Councillor Joan Millbank 3
Councillor Suzannah Clarke 5
Councillor Abdeslam Amrani 3
Councillor Jacq Paschoud 5
Councillor Mark Ingleby 5
Downham Assembly, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Andre Bourne 1
Councillor David Britton 1
Health and Safety Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Bill Brown 0
Councillor Paul Bell 0
Councillor David Britton 2
Councillor Alan Till 1
Housing Select Committee, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Peter Bernards 6
Councillor Bill Brown 3
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin 3
Councillor John Paschoud 3
Councillor David Britton 0
Licensing Committee, 16 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Chris Barnham 7
Councillor Bill Brown 3
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin 7
Councillor Eva Stamirowski 11
Councillor Luke Sorba 2
Councillor Paul Bell 4
Councillor David Britton 4
Licensing Supplementary Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Chris Barnham 2
Councillor Bill Brown 1
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin 3
Councillor Eva Stamirowski 3
Councillor Luke Sorba 2
Councillor Paul Bell 0
Councillor David Britton 1
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Chris Barnham 2
Councillor Andre Bourne 3
Councillor Peter Bernards 2
Councillor Hilary Moore 1
Councillor Bill Brown 2
Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin 3
Mayor Brenda Dacres 3
Councillor Eva Stamirowski 2
Councillor James-J Walsh 3
Councillor Luke Sorba 3
Councillor John Paschoud 3
Councillor Paul Bell 2
Councillor David Britton 0
Councillor Alan Till 3
Councillor John Muldoon 3
Councillor Sue Hordijenko 3
Councillor Amanda De Ryk 3
Councillor Susan Wise 1
Councillor Liam Curran 2
Councillor Suzannah Clarke 2
Councillor Abdeslam Amrani 2
Councillor Jacq Paschoud 3
Councillor Mark Ingleby 2