Council meetings

Agenda item

Blackheath Coordinating Group Minutes 20 August 2013











Tuesday 20 Aug 2013  7pm – 9pm

Age Exchange Reminiscence Centre




Present:, Cllr Maines (Chair), Cllr Amanda De Ryk, Pat Hughes, Cllr Kevin Bonavia, John Dunne, Nancy Stridgen, Wendy Wood, Dru Vesty, Simon Riley


Apologies:  Heather Elliston, Amanda Kipling, Peter Smith








Welcome & introductions




Cllr Maines welcomed the group.




Minute of last meetings









Community Contact Leaflet

It was agreed that this should be looked into ways it could be publicised in the ward.


Internet message forum

It was discussed that Peter Smith could be asked to set up an internet messaging forum for the group to communicate on.











Action Plan









Extra Groups to be visited

It was discussed that the following groups could be consulted with to update our action plan:

·      Darby and Joan Club

·      Baizdon residents

·      St Matthews Academy

·      Christ the King College

·      St Margret’s Lee

·      All Saints

·      Church of the Ascension

·      Age Exchange Theatre group for Young People


As well as the groups already contacted

·      Wash House Youth club

·      Heathside and Lethbridge TRA

·      Heathside and Lethbridge Luncheon Club

·      Prendergast and Lawn TRA

·      Blackheath Society


Review of the data from Assembly meeting

It was confirmed that a new action plan should be created from the consultation with residents both at the assembly and outside groups.


October 22 Assembly meeting


Consultation Results

It was agreed that a long list of what everyone has said in the consultation should be given out at the next meeting on the 22 October.


New Action Plan and Priorities

It was said that the assembly should have the opportunity to confirm the new priorities and action plan from the most popular results of the consultation. Potentially a top 4 priorities to work on.


Is was agreed that these results are added to the agenda of the October meeting and put on the internet so residents have a chance to look at them before the actual assembly meeting.


Projects & Issues for Action

It was confirmed that under each priority heading there should be two columns; one for ‘Projects’ (that would require funding) and ‘Issues for action’ that don’t require funding but the assembly can highlight and put a paper to Mayor and Cabinet about if appropriate.


Household Leaflet

It was asked that the website address that has the consultation  results is put on the household leaflet, (with a shortened link if possible).  It was asked that there is information for people to email in responses to the consultation via the leaflet.


Issues for Action

It was agreed that meetings should take place on the issues that have been raised such as CPZ/parking and the 20mph speed limit that is being broken by John Ball School in the Baizdon Road cut through.


Potential Mapping exercise

It was suggested that if there was a potential project in the action plan that needed a location to define it, that there could be a mapping exercise at the meeting where people decide where the project should take place.

Large Ward Map

It was asked that 2 large ward maps are made to help people decide the location of projects at assembly meetings.






































































Process for commissioning this years funding 










It was agreed that the assembly will get the results of the residents responses to the consultation at the 22 October meeting and potential projects would be discussed.


These will then be worked on and at the 14 January 2014 meeting the assembly will vote if they want these projects to go ahead.






Play Space Sub Group











It was advised that 30-40 people turned up at the sub group on the 16 July.  It was agreed that the first thing that needed to be agreed was a process the community thinks is acceptable to take the idea of a playspace in the ward forward.


17 Sept meeting

·      It was agreed that the meeting would be held at St Matthews Academy.

·      There should be a Blackheath ward household leaflet to publicize the meeting at least by the week of the 2 September.

·      Cllr Bonavia agreed to send the summary document through for the publicity.

·      The large maps of the ward and A3 copies should be available for people at the meeting.

·      White boards and markers available for the meeting

·      St Margret’s, John Ball and All Saints invited – schools newsletters

·      Posters to be put in Cllr de Ryk and Bonavia’s pigeon holes to be put around the village.

·      SR to be sent leaflets for Heathside and Lethbridge


















Declarations of Interest

There were no interest declared at this meeting